View Full Version : Good Luck to all Poolees

08-28-07, 02:59 PM
I'm going to military school on this Thursday. It's a boarding school so I live there and I won't get to come home for 30 days to start, and then my time home is limited. I do have a computer at school in my room but between classes,sports, and activities, I won't have much time to sit in front of the computer. So because my computer time will be limited for at least 30 days and probably more, I just want to say GOOD LUCK to all Poolees leaving sometime in 30 days. Thanks to all the poolees that have talked to me and giving me advice, i know you all will do great in boot camp. I hope to talk to all of you soon as Marines!!!

08-28-07, 03:16 PM
Enjoyed chatting with you on sunday chat. Good luck to yourself, you still got a few more years to go. Stay motivated and kick ass in school.

08-28-07, 04:23 PM
Take care James. If you get near a computer, I expect to hear from you, ya hear? :marine:

08-28-07, 04:25 PM
Yes sir,when I get the chance I'll be here.

08-28-07, 06:19 PM
Good Luck man and take care of yourself. Stay Motivated