View Full Version : The flag and I: a summer romance

08-26-07, 07:52 AM
James Vesely / Times editorial page editor
The flag and I: a summer romance
Seattle Times -

Every Memorial Day, I put our American flag out in its support brace on the front porch. I give it a snappy salute and leave the flag to wave and whisper its way through the summer. Around Labor Day, or later if weather allows, I take the flag in, case it, and let the winter blow.

I am the only person on the block who does this. A neighbor down the way used to put up a summer flag, but he was a former Navy aviator and since he moved away, my flag remains alone except for a few small ones that rise like perennials every Fourth of July. The flag is not large — 5 feet by about 3 feet — but you can see it from a long way off.

The strange thing about the flag is that not everyone knows exactly what it is. I heard one person, giving a repairman directions to my house, say, "it's the house with the big school flag in front."

Another visitor said, "I remember that flag from camp."

American flags are ubiquitous, but maybe not in all the right ways. We pledge to them at ballgames and see them on cemetery plots and on the shoulders of soldiers and Marines photographed in war. Everything else about the flag seems to be background noise.

Although flag burnings are now very rare, Congress continues to wrestle with the question of the flag as a sacred symbol. The most recent vote in Congress failed by one senator to make burning the flag a desecration and a crime. That was in 2006.

But watch the flag come out in the next presidential-campaign season which began around Memorial Day. Flags and buntings will be the color exclamations to every ceremony on the stump. I wish it were more than a prop.

A flag doesn't seem to sit well at Thanksgiving but it sure is the soul of summer. Memorial Day, through Flag Day, then on to Independence Day and finally Labor Day — all are the days of summer and the days of the red, white and blue. The days and evenings stretch to the blue horizon and evoke both memory and comfort. Sometimes late in the day I hear the flag on the porch flap and snap with the coming night winds.

Early this month, two Russian minisubmarines, driven by scientists and sailors, planted Russian flags at the bottom of the sea somewhere near the North Pole. As with Coronado or Columbus, planting a flag is the equivalent of staking a claim.

"It was so lovely down there," polar explorer Artur Chilingarov told the Russian news agency Itar-Tass, as reported by the Los Angeles Times.

"If a hundred or a thousand years from now someone goes down to where we were, they will see the Russian flag," he added.

Before The Seattle Times Editorial Board, U.S. Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen called the Russian voyage "theatrics," but also noted the Coast Guard vessel Healy was then steaming north to help plot the curvatures of the land beneath the ice cap.

The American flag as our instrument of both our courage and our folly comes with its heart on our sleeves. For men and women of my generation it is such a profound, silent statement of who we are that it doesn't need speech or demonstrations. It just needs to quietly wave on the porch and oversee the freedoms of summer.


09-06-07, 08:00 PM
During the crisis of 9/11 our county was outraged, Americans flocked out to any place that sold our national ensign in hopes of demonstraiting there new found patritism. Stores were sold out and suppliers could not keep up with the demand, We saw them hanging everyware, On cars, Houses, Trees, Windows. Very soon after that I started to see car flags laying on the freeway, The streets, where cars would loose them and just keep going. I fly my flag with resposibility and look at it in awe of the freedom and power it represents. During the winter of 9/11 I saw flages hanging in the middle of winter frozen solid with Ice, and in the spring just hanging by a thread from falling to the ground. I also along with my national ensign fly my Marine Corps flag. I bring them both in when the weather is crappy. In 2003 one day around the 4th of July I got a flyer in the mail from a congressional candidate for our local district. It read, Thank you for flying our flag and thank you for baing a patriot and was signed in ink. I thought wow this guy gets my vote, Until I went and asked some of the other residents that do not fly our national ensign. It was just a publicity stunt to get votes everyone got one. Ok now Chesty wants a piece of this guy. So I first called his office where one of his cronies told me he would return my phone call later, Not good enough, So I looked up his web site and I was able to leave him an email, where I explained just what I thought of his little stunt and how he had disgraced all who died so we could continue to fly our national ensign. Long story short after we went back and forth a few times he appolgized. Maybe because I am a veteran I see more than just cloth and color. I see the constitution, Our bill of rights, I see freedom of possibility to be what ever we want to be. To say what we choose with out fear of reprisal, Freedome to go to what ever church I choose. We all live under the blanket of freedome it provides We all should think about what it means to be an American.

09-06-07, 08:04 PM
Oh by the way the congressional candidate did not win, Stll a terd

09-06-07, 08:15 PM
I didn't display a flag for and after 9-11. I always hated following a misguided crowd. I do love our flag, and I am on the road a lot. When I started seeing my flag in the street gutters after 9-11, I got sick, and remembered why I don't follow the crowd. I live in Vegas, and we have a certain gas station here that flys a big flag all over town,,,, Always tattered.

I think I'm gonna do something besides getting sick.. A flag ticket perhaps?

09-06-07, 08:21 PM
Sparky, There should be a law that prohibits the desicration of our flag. But then you would have all the do gooders in Washington along with the ACLU crywhining about how it violates there rights.

09-06-07, 08:30 PM
OK, I'm Going to Make a new thread, In which I will Write up a printable flag "ticket" For us to drop off at these businesses And neighbors who do not care. Give me a little time, cause I'm Ticked Off. And a Big Screw to the ACLU

09-06-07, 08:54 PM
A local note: I drive a lot and sometimes I head south on the 95 out of Vegas. There is a desert town called Cal-Nev-Ari. You can guess why, There are two trailers along this road that Always display our Flag with the Marine Corps flag below. It makes me happy to drive this rout. Maybe I should stop and tell them about Leatherneck,;]