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05-16-07, 07:56 AM
Marine Sergeant Questions Democrats Patriotism
Ken Hughes
May 15, 2007

A Marine Sergeant has asked me to speak for him. He’s totally disgusted with the political news coming from home to him and his men. In his words: “This isn’t why we serve our country to elect politicians like we have.”

Members of the military are prohibited from voicing negative opinions about government figures, I’m not sure if it’s a regulation or just tradition, whatever it’s one of those facts that prohibit soldiers from questioning their leaders opinions and decisions. When the frustration builds to a cretin point some men and women look for a surrogate to express their discontent; this is such a case.

I received an e-mail from a Marine Sergeant on his third tour in Iraq. He wanted me to inform my readers why the new Democratic Congress led by Nancy Pelosi have turned against the American combat troops and became supporters of al Qaeda and the Iraqi Rebels. As this Marine and his fellow Marines see not funding the troops in combat at least with enough money support and defend themselves is akin to treason. These Marines serving in Iraq didn’t choose the mission the missions choose them. As Marines have done from the beginning of the corp. they went without questioning why.

Our Marine Sergeant and the men in his unit are confused; many are career soldiers who served in many wars in many places, since the end of World War II. Marines have been the early responders. He and his men can’t understand how Iraq has been turned into such a political issue. Our Sergeant doesn’t like being used as a ploy to elect a president or congress persons. He believes his life and the lives of his fellow Marines is worth more than a few votes.

American troops have been stationed in Europe Asia and several other areas around the world supposedly keeping the peace for decades. There’s no demand to bring the troops home from the DMZ in Korea or from the Balkans, there isn’t even a call for the troops to leave Afghanistan. The Sergeant is emphatic the war in Iraq is the center of the war on terror around the world. Our Marine Sergeant knows if and when the politicians back home surrendering Iraq to al Qaeda it will be a great victory for world terrorism. These Marines fear the consequences of surrender.

The Sergeant points out the cost in lives of American Soldiers is unprecedented in the history of warfare, 3300 in five years of fighting is miniscule by previous standards. Civilian casualties are the result of the terrorist murders not the Americans. The media’s obsessed with reporting American casualties and fail to report terrorist casualties leaving an unfair impression of the failure of our military and the successes of the enemy.

The Sergeants disappointment is congress has deemed their five years of sacrifices a failure. He questions how congress can say, We support the troops but not the mission and at the same time refuse to fund their efforts. Our Marine Sergeant can’t openly express his contempt for those in congress led by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. The best he can hope to do is let his feelings be known though a surrogate voice. It’s a tragedy those who secure our freedom and our right to free speech aren’t allowed the same privilege.

Our Sergeant and his fellow Marines stand guard over a constitution that allows some of our highest placed political figures to practice nearly treasonous acts with impunity. Our Sergeant points out there are very few Army’s who have accepted civilian authority for over 230 years without a single rebellion. It seems congress is using the military as pawns on the chessboard of politics and the military deserves better.

Our military has made it possible for Americans to speak free, think free and walk free for over 230 years. We have a debt we owe these men and women serving their country. Pay up E-mail your congressman and tell them to stop playing politics with the lives of our Soldiers Sailors Airman and Marines. give them the support they need and deserve.
