View Full Version : My story continues...

05-02-07, 08:22 PM
Hello Marines and Poolees. I have recently posted my story titled "Getting worried" on the 'Ask a Marine' thread. It explained how I had some problems with medication I took in the past and how I had gotten what I thought was sufficiant documentation to finally sign my papers and swear myself in. However my problem has carried on even further and I wanted to see what others thought about this and see if there were any suggestions that could be made. I would appreciate any help. Here it goes..

When I went to MEPS a few weeks ago, I told the doctors I had previously taken some medication for ADD. The problem was I never actually had ADD, and the reason I took the meds was because it was a transitional point in my life. My doctor at the time thought it the medication would help me. This was nine years ago. So I was told I had to get a note from my doctor stating why I was on the medication and if I had ADD or not. So I got the note from my new doctor after he ran some test and it said I was "A" ok. My recruiter told me the note was very good and we should be ready to Rock an' Roll soon. A few days went by and I got no call from the recruiter. I began to get worried as I ended my last post and I finally started calling him. It took a few days but once I got in touch with him he explained to me that the Docs at MEPS said that the note was not good enough and even though I do not have ADD and never did, they need the original records from the doc I had at the time the meds were given. Here is the problem. I am unable to recover them documents because that doctor no longer practices and he was not partnered by anyone(no office to even go to). I cannot track him down and even if I could there is a good chance that by now them records have been destroyed since it has been nine years. I told my recruiter this and he seems a bit stumped. This worries me. I am starting to wonder if some medication I took when I was 11-12 years old is going to keep me from getting to my dream of becoming a United States Marine. I did speak with another recruiter and he told me it sounded rediculous and he would call up to MEPS for me and see if he could help my recruiter in any way. Does anyone know what I can do to help this situation? Does this sound like something that is going to keep me from joining the Marines? Does this whole thing even sound right?

This is the entire and complete story. I am leaving absolutely nothing out and as far as my ASVAB and physical, I am perfectly fine besides this. My brother (who is a Marine) said it seemed wrong. What do you guys think? I am not trying to say my recruiter does not know how to do his job, but when I talk to him about this it seems as though it is the first time he has delt with a situation like mine. Maybe I am wrong but I am just seeing if there is anything I can do to help him and myself. I know getting the med docs would solve everything but it just isn't possible for me to do at this point.

Thank You for reading my story and I appreciate any and all advice given.

-Daniel C. Costantino


sgt tony
05-02-07, 09:02 PM
The Medical Board in your state should be able to say where your records are it is against the law to destroy without your permission.

05-02-07, 09:10 PM
Thank you.. I'll have to contact the Medical Board and see what they can do.. If I can just get these records it will solve all of my problems.... I think:confused:

05-02-07, 09:21 PM
I'm terrified of MEPS. I've never taken any medication, nor suffered any injuries (except a minor shoulder dislocation several years ago), I never get sick, and I've never smoked or used illegal drugs, but it scares the hell out of me that the exam could find some underlying problem that I didn't even know about. What if I have a heart murmur or something disqualifying that I'm not aware of, or what if I can't get a waiver for the LASIK I got last October? That'd totally destroy my dream of becoming a Marine...

This crap really scares me. Boot camp doesn't worry me at all... I just don't want to be disqualified at MEPS.

05-02-07, 09:42 PM
Hey don't let MEPS scare you that much. As long as you don't have something significant to hide and that you are relatively healthy you will be surprised at how easy it easy to get by. Just tell the truth and handle the situatation as a gentleman an you will find a wealth of admoniration

05-04-07, 04:51 PM
Well.. Unfortunately I am unable to get these original Medical records and my chances on getting to be a Marine are slim to none. This whole thing makes me feel sick to my stomach and I am almost lost. MEPS was concerned that I may have ADD because of the medication I was on 9 years ago as a child. I got evaluated and tested by a doctor. I got a letter from him stating I do not have ADD or ADHD and never could have because it is not something that goes away. He also stated the reasoning for why I was on the medication in the past. And for some reason this is not good enough. I proved I do not have the problem the docs at MEPS thought I may have and yet I am still being turned down. I feel like I am not getting to live my dream because of something I don't even have. My recruiter was not in the office today when I went but a Ssgt did help me write up a waiver request. However, he also told me that he isn't too optimistic with the decision that will be made on the waiver. All I want to do is become a United States Marine and I am perfectly fine but I can't do it anyway. Because of some pill crazy doctor in the past who thought this medication would help me focus and make new friends while switching schools at the age of 12. I guess all hope is not completely lost because I have to wait for the waiver before I can truely know for sure its not happening. But this still hurts so bad. I won't even know what the decision is until the end of this month and I hoped to already be in Paris Island by then. I hope you guys will pray for me and hopefully I can convince them that I am ok since my doctor couldn't.

05-05-07, 06:02 AM
Geez! you worry too much - something as simple as this is more than likely waiverable.

And agravlin - you NEED a chill pill!