View Full Version : Intel, Intelligence MOS Needs Info

11-04-06, 11:45 PM
My name is Amir and I'm currently a poolee with a DD (intel) contract. I originally desired infantry but I had been given advice from several people to sign up for intel. My biggest fear is that I will be stuck at a desk doing boring work...Being that I am just a poolee I dont really know squat about the marines so please don't take offense to this...My question to you is will i be at a desk or on a laptop the next 5 years or will I have an oppurtunity to actually go into the field?? also what will i be doing when im not deployed??? its my understanding that i would be working with grunts to gather intel and then bring it back to command to analyze it...again please dont take offense to my generalizations, i know all marines are important to the corps. I just want to be in a field i will enjoy. any advice would be greatly appreciated


Sgt Leprechaun
11-05-06, 08:47 AM
Intell is one of the hottest MOS's going right now in the Corps. It's a good choice, and what you'll be doing will realistically be up to the unit you are assigned to. Trust me, your 'desk' time will probably be limited...but even if you are at a desk, you'll be doing some fun stuff.

Start studying English, Creative Writing (no pun intended), Journalism, and bone up on computer knowledge and skills. You will need all of it. Also, Public speaking...Intel Specialists do lots of 'stand up' briefing.


Sgt Leprechaun
11-05-06, 12:21 PM
Oh..BTW, use the 'search' feature above...lots of former and active Intel Marines have posted here about the job. You'll get more information than you know what to do with I assure you.

11-05-06, 02:26 PM
How many threads are you planning on starting about the same subject?

11-06-06, 11:37 PM
sorry about the reposting, I will follow the rules from here on out. Another question I have is this...how do i get close to the action? i understand that intel has a specialty known as a battalion "s2" but then again i might be wrong...