View Full Version : Just two questions

11-02-06, 12:05 PM
Alright so I have been a poolee for awhile now and i ship for MCRD SD on June 4th im pretty stoked.....anyway. I was doing alittle reading and I was wondering if you really have to be in the MOS field of 03** to be able to qualify for Silent Drill Squad?? See hopefully my field is 18** with tanks..but im alittle dis-appointed becouse Silent Drill was really interesting me, and I do no its that that big of a deal I can always re-enlist and do 03** but is there any other way??

Also I have had my eye on embassy duty.. thats one of the things I plan on doing when I re-enlist but i was wondering if anyone could give me some insight on this??

11-02-06, 02:42 PM
Ok biggie here's the deal (I used to issue PCS orders), you can always request these duty stations and there are some pre-quals, but for embassy duty basically, excellent PFT's, conduct reports and can't be married. Mostly be outstanding (as I know you will be) and they'll take notice after your request is in. Another's rank and time might out rank you, but you've got a shot. Pay your dues and wait for it........Semper Fi!

11-02-06, 09:59 PM
The Drill Team is made up of infantry Marines.