View Full Version : Gut Busting Part II

01-20-03, 06:46 PM

How many are still sticking to their workout?
Below are a few links to some motivation.

Fitness, Health, Strenght Training and Stress Tips

Semper Fitness Archives

The Pull Up, Push Up, Crunch Workout.

Absolutely Great Abdominals

Walk For Your Life

These two are from Permission To Speak Freely

Permission to Speak;
Only the Brave by W.D Oz
This one is really tells it like it is.
Makes you proud to be part of the Marine Corps

Once A Marine, Always A Marine
It's not what you believe it to be.
Might have a little mist in those old eye balls.

Semper Fidelis and Keep Pumping

01-20-03, 09:27 PM
Work out? Work out? No one said anything about a work out...LOL

I just said for us to loose weight. Still holding steady at 179-180 pounds.

Walking and hiking is what I've been doing. Now, how many calories did CAS say we loose when we have sex?

I think it was CAS that said that, or did I read it somewhere else?

Maybe it was something Rogers was thinking about and it sort of drifted into the monitor...LOL

01-20-03, 09:39 PM
I decided to try stretching exercises.

If I can add three inches to my height, instead of having to buy larger waist sizes, I'd just need to buy longer lengths.

01-21-03, 09:35 PM
Stretching, see SparrowHawk, above,ROFLMAO, Im sure tho that Roger was thinking about it, burn the same as running up 7 flights of stairs, Id go into something else, but Roger is already thinking it. Back to you Roger....

01-21-03, 09:48 PM
Well since all of you decided to lose some weight........LOL......I figured to gain a few pounds.......Still running at same weight that I have been for the past 25 years..........Ellie put a few pounds on me after we got together..........LOL

I still walk to my car........walk into my shop or an account carrying my folder, my meter and a screwdriver.........Nothing more, nothing less......LOL.......

Well I do stretch every morning when I get out of bed......ROFLMAO



01-21-03, 09:54 PM
Roger, you had your shot and missed, i was expecting a full broadside, im stil waiting, in case of a misfire.

01-21-03, 10:16 PM
Well I think that Cook dreads the thought of any kind of work out.........LOL.......His main exercise is raising a bottle of beer and a shot of JD..........LOL

Having sex burns the same amount of calories as if you ran 10 miles............So how many miles did you all run this past week......ROFLMAO........Hell I know Jerry hasn't run any this week........LOL

Cas is not do any running either..........Probably will not until later this year............LOL........Wonder why.......LMAO......Just know I'm going to pay for this remark.........LOL

firstshirt is living the good life down in PI, doesn't have to worry about the waist line..........maybe he could use a little stretching.........LOL

Shooter, you still have me thinking......Will have to get back to you later..........LMAO...........Thoughts just drifting thru my heads......LOL



Earle Comstock
01-22-03, 01:16 AM
I just went to the V.A. yesterday , the first thing they make you do is get on the scale . Now in the summer time I'm around 160-165 lb. , then the winter I blossum to about 185-190 . I need this extra weight to keep me warm , because I ride my Harley all year long . At least I'm trying to convince myself of this fact . Getting back to yesterday , I jump on the scale and I'm at 204 . I kept telling the nurse that the scale was wrong , to get it recalibrated . I was adiment that these scales are wrong , I've never weighed over 200 in my life . She just smiled and said , Well Mr. Comstock , sounds like you are in denial . To be fair about this , I did quit smoking on the 18th of October . I was in the V.A. on October 24th and I weighed 181 .I did not think I would gain that much . Looks like I gotta start smokin again or something . My Ole lady loves me just the way I am . Although she does tell me constantly that I got a fat head . I wonder which one she is referring to . THATS RIGHT , CPL COMMIEWAD , Johnny wads BIG brother !:p

Art Petersn
01-22-03, 06:26 AM
Earle I quite smoking 5 years ago. I now weigh 30 pounds more than I did when I quite. 165 to 195 it's not fair.

01-22-03, 03:55 PM
I hear you Art, same thing happened to me! Guess once the taste buds came back, food started tasting too good!

01-22-03, 09:37 PM
I know you are Roger, Im gitting ready to duck,