View Full Version : Workout Prep for Boot Camp

10-18-06, 09:26 PM
Hello I've been around this site for a little while now and loving it, I was too nervous to post before because I was pretty sure I'd get flamed or something for a misspelled word or grammar. ^^; I'm sure tons of poolies asked you guys this but I just wanted to know if any of you guys could recommend a workout for me? (Poolie/Marines alike) I'm 18 (As of Sept 26, 2006) And I weigh 181 lbs. I'm currently a Senior at H.S. and ship out June 18th '07. Basically I've been doing around 80~ or so crunches a day, and about 50 pushups in the morning before school and 50 at night. (I go to school from 7:30-3:30 and then work from 4:00 - 9:00) Not to mention my 'bedtime' is at 11:00 pm. So I can't really get much running into my workout unless I'm off on a day. I'm also in DEP which we do every thursday, but of course just working hard on thursdays definately will not cut it. I'm planning on joining the track team at my school in Feb. when it starts to lose some of this weight, I'm 5'8 (I believe..can't remember) and basically all the fat is in my belly. (lol) My arms/legs are in pretty good condition, but not toned and all. Please excuse the ameteur-ish post but I really wanted some help with this and figured if anyone could help me, it would be you guys. Thanks for reading! Oh and I'm not sure if I'm able to add this but I wanted to know if anyone could also explain to me the differences between Infantry and Reconnaisance? I would like to do Infantry or something, but on an advanced level, and that's where I hear people talk about Force Recon. So I was trying to figure out the differences between them. Thanks again!

10-18-06, 10:13 PM
Run, Pull ups, and situps

10-19-06, 01:04 AM
Ok, as far as you not having time to run, screw that, go to sleep an hour earlier, and wake up an hour earlier, run in the morning. That will also get you going for the day. Increase your pushups from 100 a day to 300 a day, do them however you can 6 sets of 50 or 30 sets of 10, doesnt matter, just make sure you are doing proper pushups. Find a pullup bar and do as many sets as you can during the day, without pushing yourself to failure. And if your thinking about recon, start getting less hours at work and finsing time to hit a pool 3-5 times a week. I wont get into much about the differences between the Infantry field (03XX) and Recon (0321) because I am not a Marine and do not know much. However Recon is an elite force, that recently became part of SOCOM. Your PFT is going to need to be a very high 1st class and you will need to swim like a fish, along with having relativly high scores on the AFQT and GT sections of the ASVAB.

10-19-06, 01:44 AM
if you know what a PFT consist of, you know what to train for. It is not rocket science if your weaker in certain areas Work Harder.

You know exactly what you have to do!

Sergent of Marines.
Sgt Roman :cool:

10-23-06, 02:01 AM
don't do the same routine every day. you should split your days into either run days or strength (P/U,S/U) days so that your muscles can rest/build. can't help you much with run advice since i'm still working on that, but for pullups, pushups, and situps i recommend a pyramid exercise. there's plenty of other great programs too, but it works for me. a pyramid program would work as such: a set of one pullup, a set of two pullups, a set of three pullups, etc. until you can go no higher, and then back down, a set of three, a set of two, a set of one. do that 'one-by-one' (1-2-3-4-3-2-1) style for pullups, a 'two-by-two' (2-4-6-8-6-4-2) style for pushups, and a 'three-by-three' (3-6-9-12-9-6-3) style of situps. hope this helps.