View Full Version : In the fleet during thanksgiving?

10-18-06, 01:05 PM
Well I'm leaving June 11th, which means I should graduate September 7th, 10 days leave, and ITB lasts 8 weeks? Which puts it right at Thanksgiving when I finish ITB.

Will I get to go home before I go to the fleet for Thanksgiving? Assume I'm stationed in like North Carolina, not Iraq. Will I get the chance to come home for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas? How long does that usually last? I'm talking about actual days off, not necessarily the 30 paid vacation days a year. And, how does that work? I know I cant just take a few days leave any time I want.

I'm just curious on how this works, so please don't insult me for wanting to learn. I'm not asking to take leave whenever i want, just curious.

10-18-06, 01:17 PM
Normally in the fleet you get a 96 for Thanksgiving. But that is only if there isn't something going on. Don't count on it, then if you do get the time off it is a surprise!

10-18-06, 02:23 PM
Get used to NOT making it home for A LOT of holidays. Usually, what we did was like 1/2 the shop would take one holiday and the other would take the next one but there was a lot of fighting about it going on before anything was decided. I was single at the time so it was no big deal to me either way and I never was stationed that close to home. I usually took all my time any other time of the year.

10-18-06, 03:30 PM
Cool, another question.

When can I use my 30 days of paid vacation a year? Again, assuming I'm not in Iraq or anything, and I'm just stationed at Camp xxxxx, can I take 12 days and is it hard to go about doing that? Obviously not right out of boot, but say about 6 months or so afterwards?

10-18-06, 06:05 PM
You can ask for leave any time. If you aren't going to be doing anything important, you'll usually get it. That means when you're working up for a deployment, your chances aren't good. But, you'll probably get leave before you go. If you're just in a normal cycle, like after a deployment you can usually get it just about any time you want.

One thing to remember about leave... weekend count as well. In a regular job if you take off five days you can leave on a Friday when you get off and then come back the Monday you have to be back at work. To do the same thing in the Marines you'll need to take 9 saus off.

10-18-06, 07:07 PM
It just depends on your unit and if the OIC likes you or not - HAHAHA! Nah, seriously you have to put in a request and they usually fly through, no problem.

10-18-06, 07:10 PM
Awesome guys, thanks for the help.