View Full Version : Sand Fleas in Fall and Winter ???

10-13-06, 12:03 PM
How bad are they always wondered?

10-13-06, 01:13 PM
bad................and you better not get caught trying to slap at one cause a DI will bless you out like you're trying to kill their family dog or something

10-13-06, 02:27 PM

10-13-06, 03:59 PM
OK...............make sure you talk to me when you get back.

10-13-06, 06:01 PM
What does "bahhhh" mean? I hope you weren't questioning her, because she is 100% correct.

10-13-06, 07:57 PM
You will learn to love tose little devils like a third cousin.

10-13-06, 08:55 PM
lol! Yeah you'll be naming them and stuff - like.............MF, g d sand fleas...........I had forgotten how bad they were until I went to see Kaydra (PFC Michael) graduate - I'm sitting on a bench at the parade deck and something kept biting me and I couldn't figure it out for a few minutes (cause I've never seen one) - then I remembered..............ahhhhhhhhh the sand fleas. They're worse when you're PTing though.

10-13-06, 09:13 PM
I was being eaten alive at my 30 minute long traffic stop by mosquito's and all sorts of bugs because I was told I couldn't take my hands off the steering wheel, so I just figured it would be good practice for the sand fleas, haha.

10-14-06, 12:56 PM
When I said Bahhh I meant it as oohhh noooo, kind of like saying da**. No disrespect or questioning was meant in Bahhh

10-15-06, 09:25 AM
Are you all remembering he's asking about the Fall and Winter mounths on he's post? I dought that sand fleas are all that bad during these mounths. Im sure there around but not as bad. You can all correct me if im wrong but usually bugs dont like the cold weather too much.

10-15-06, 10:05 AM
Are you all remembering he's asking about the Fall and Winter mounths on he's post? I dought that sand fleas are all that bad during these mounths. Im sure there around but not as bad. You can all correct me if im wrong but usually bugs dont like the cold weather too much.

"Spelling for Marines" MCI, you may want to have your "Marine Friend" look into getting a copy for you!

10-15-06, 10:19 AM
Ahhhh.... the memories, PI (04/83-07/83) the worst
time to be there.

10-15-06, 10:53 AM
I went to boot camp from OCT to DEC and believe me NOTHING like a little cold will kill those D*mn sand fleas. If you don't believe Marine 84 about the sand fleas, then I suggest you kill all you want with a DI standing in front of you. Those sand fleas will be the least of your problems.

10-15-06, 10:56 AM
Bret - why don't you Google it and let him know..............

10-15-06, 05:51 PM
Ahh, sand fleas... it feels like if it was just last week... oh wait a minute...it was just last week during grad practice.... man I am gonna miss some things about the Island, but not the sand fleas.

10-15-06, 05:57 PM
whoah chrisnica Congratulations Marine! I have requested that your status be upgraded to Marine. Welcome back.

Semper Fi


10-15-06, 06:00 PM
Thank you.... it is great to be at home and be a Marine.... the Island was the experience of a life time!

10-15-06, 06:38 PM
I was there July through September 68 and I truly do not recall sand fleas. Either they weren't that bad that year or the fact I was from Florida and had literally lived on the beach for the two months prior had something to do with it. I remember all the other miserable crap so I don't think I'm getting senile yet.

10-15-06, 07:48 PM
What does "bahhhh" mean? I hope you weren't questioning her, because she is 100% correct.

Sounds like a sheep to me.... :D

10-15-06, 07:51 PM
When I said Bahhh I meant it as oohhh noooo, kind of like saying da**. No disrespect or questioning was meant in Bahhh

Nope still a sheep..:bunny: Ha Ha

10-15-06, 08:01 PM
I was in 3rd Bn out in the boonies... Oct/Dec 1986. The sand fleas were bad until around Dec. (mad sand flea :no:)

10-15-06, 08:06 PM
1st Bn. sand fleas are a pain.... but we had to lear to deal with them, did we?? NNNOOOOO!!!!!

10-16-06, 05:51 PM
Sandfleas are the horrible,...and if I remember correctly, they are out all the time in all seasons.

10-16-06, 07:00 PM
The worst I ever got torn up by a bug was during a field exercise we did in and around MCAS Beuafort one winter. When we first hit the base we all thought it was about the best place in the world. It was the most relaxed Marine Corps base I have ever seen. But, then the bugs hit us, and it was horrible. We were all counting the days until we could pack up and get back to North Carolina.

10-16-06, 07:14 PM
The sand fleas are so well known, that when you go to the museum on PI there is a life size one there. They are the devil as far as I am concerned, there is no such thing as bug juice. They eat the stuff....


10-16-06, 08:38 PM
They used to let us use Skin So Soft but made us quit cause the oil clogged your pores and wouldn't let you sweat or something stupid - I think they use it now though. It was the ONLY thing that worked.

10-17-06, 08:36 PM
ChiefUSMC is so right... I forgot about that big picture of " The Parris Island Sand-Flea".... will never be forgotten, they will hunt my nightmares from now on..hahahaha!!!

10-17-06, 09:21 PM
I had zero sand flea problems when I was there from May to August. The worst insects on the island are the damn fire ants! They're damn everywhere. And those bites hurt much more than any stinking flea could. Especially at the rifle range when you're snapping in, man. I wasn't sure what was worse, the numbness in my arm, my feet, or the ants :).

10-18-06, 06:47 AM
I had zero sand flea problems when I was there from May to August. The worst insects on the island are the damn fire ants! They're damn everywhere. And those bites hurt much more than any stinking flea could. Especially at the rifle range when you're snapping in, man. I wasn't sure what was worse, the numbness in my arm, my feet, or the ants :).
Maybe the sandfleas just liked the tender skin of !st and 3rd Bn. recruits. 2nd Bn. to tough and stringy.LOL

10-18-06, 09:51 AM
Don't kill one they will have you find him and have a funeral for the damn thing. I laughed when they said it but after hitting the sand pit I didn't think it was so funny. Oh the memories..

10-18-06, 10:46 AM
a funeral for a sand flea - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

10-18-06, 12:56 PM
In a regulation grave-6'x4'x6'

10-18-06, 02:13 PM
dang DW - I just spewed soda all over my freakin monitor!

I can see it now..............did ya'll have to say a few kind words about it(him/she) while you were doing it?

That's funny as hell!

10-18-06, 02:26 PM
I just hear/repeat rumors-sandfleas didn't bother 2nd Bn. Now blow your nose, clean off your monitor and settle down. You seem to be taking entirely too much pleasure out of the suffering of a poor starving sandflea!

10-18-06, 07:04 PM

10-18-06, 07:07 PM
It is a know fact that the sandfleas only bothered the recruits that were sweating and training hard. That is why 2nd Bn recruits were never bothered by them.:bunny:

10-18-06, 07:31 PM
Absolutely; never broke a sweat the whole time-way too easy-NOT-I was totally soaked the entire time I was there-some yankees laughed about it-then they fell out on a run or pt, while my sweat soaked butt kept on going-that was back when they made you take salt pills and I ate them like candy. Truly don't know why we weren't bothered by the little bastards (or at least I wasn't) Like I said, I had been sleeping on the beach for two months before I got to the Island. BTW-if you can tell me how you can avoid busting ass at Boot (even SD Boot) I'm sure we can make a fortune amongst these poolees!


10-21-06, 05:25 AM
Now I won't lie the sand fleas sucked, but it was those daggone fire ants that sucked more than anything else. One day when I was still in first phase and my trousers were unbloused 100's of them got caught in my trousers. Painful I had hundreds of bites on my legs and arms. Lucky for me one of the bites got infected and I developed cellulitis and it became pretty severe. I had blood cots because of it and my whole left leg was swollen. I had my leg cut open to drain it. Was not a pretty picture, then was put on iv and all this other garbage. I was almost hospitalized and dropped, but I
'm still standing here as a U. S. Marine. Cellulitis is no joke. So watch out for those little buggers.

10-21-06, 08:38 AM
OOHRAH ribbons! Goes to show that you have what it takes - determination! A lot of recruits would have just given in at that point and gone back home but you stuck it out - good job! Welcome to the Fewer, the Prouder, the Women Marines!

10-21-06, 10:17 AM
:( In a letter I received from my son yesterday, he told us he currently has cellulitis of his face from a sand flea bite on his lip. He is still on full duty, but he is on medication. I pray that they are watching it closely. I am a nurse and I know how dangerous cellulitis can be.

Sand Fleas are not funny, but a funeral for one would be!

10-21-06, 01:59 PM
A little secret I learned from my present wife-it works for mosquitos, fireants and deer flies so it should work for sand fleas-as soon as you are bitten rub the area with raw onion-seems wierd and you smell like soup but it works every time. She read it somewhere and told me about it and I said "yeah, right". But after I got eaten up by fireants I tried it ( I would have tried anything at that point) and it worked like magic. Try it. Of course if you have allergies to the little bastards I don't know if anything will help.
