View Full Version : Pros & Cons!!!

10-10-06, 07:40 PM
Hi, I am a 17 year old man. I have wanted to join the Marines all my life. Now i have thought of the college life but that just doesn't thrill me like the Marines do. Now that I am finally old enough to join I plan on signing up very soon...however i have a problem. I want to do 0311 and that's that. I have looked at every other M.O.S they have and 0311 is still my top choice. My Dad is a Marine (retired of course but once a Marine always a MARINE!!) not only that but he was the baddest of them all FORCE RECON!!! So I guess me joining Infantry is like me trying to fill shoes. Plus it just thrills me knowing I will be fighting for my country. The pride that comes with that is unimaginable. Well anyways my Mom is really really againsit it. Mainly because my bro joined and he HATES IT! He is intelligence. He doesnt hate the job he just hates the whole Rank system being told what to do and having to do it. So he has told my mom all these stories about how horrible it is and what not. Now my mom is like "you remember the stories Brian said" blah blah....she has had me look at all the other M.O.S's and still I found nothing else I want to do. My friend just left for boot camp and me and him always said if we we're to be put in the same Platoon we would be unstoppable. I can't wait for that happen. So if you could please just give me a list of the Pros and the Cons of going 0311 Infantry...that would be greatly appreciated...


sgt tony
10-10-06, 11:35 PM
well as a 03 you have the ability to go sea duty embesy duty and you have the ability to work in other fields also. You brother is not liking the rank well i don't know of many jobs that you are the CEO right off so yes will start at the bottom but you have the ability to work your way up.