View Full Version : Questions about mission and general philosophy

10-06-06, 01:02 PM
I guess I may be beginning to build a reputation on this site as a person who asks stupid questions, but I've got a few more, stupid or not.
First, I would love to be a Marine, but I wonder what your opinions are on whether or not going and just killing insurgents really does anything other than spawn more of them?
The second part is not just the mission of the Corps but the general direction of the U.S. The Marines are a big force for America, and I don't want to be moving anything in the wrong direction. I just want to, in the bigger picture, be doing the right thing.
Finally thanks to all of the Marines and poolees who still take the time to answer these questions, they're important to me and I'm sure more than just me as well. This question is the only barrier to my dedicated service. It basically comes down to whether in the greater picture service would be "right" or "wrong."

10-06-06, 01:28 PM
My question to you would be - what do YOU think is right and wrong? Doesn't matter what WE think. YOU are the only person that can make that decision for YOURSELF.

10-06-06, 01:32 PM
Well, why (and I'm assuming you do) do you think it's right?

10-06-06, 02:04 PM
First of all I do not see anything stupid about your questions, you seek answers that are no doubt important to you. This is the text book answer to your question on the Marine Corps Mission; The Marine Corps serves as an amphibious force in readiness. Today, it has three primary areas of responsibility, as outlined in 10 U.S.C. § 5063, originally introduced under the National Security Act of 1947:

The seizure or defense of advanced naval bases and other land operations to support naval campaigns

The development of tactics, technique, and equipment used by amphibious landing forces

"such other duties as the President may direct."

As far as the right or wrong Marine84 is correct that must come from your own heart. I personally believe that protecting the weak and unarmed from an armed force dedicated to the extermination of all that do not believe in their ideology is right. I believe that it is right to help those who have never had the oppritunity to govern theirselves obtain freedom from dictatorship. I believe that protecting freedom is right and worth laying down my life in defense of it.

10-06-06, 03:12 PM
Couldn't have thought of better reasons myself Jim - just fighting to keep my freedom is right enough for me.

10-07-06, 09:42 AM
I would like to hear how Poolees would answer this question. Perhaps since they are unable to answer in this forum someone could start a new thread in Poolee Hall. Its an important question and one that defines who we are as Marines. So who will step up to the plate and do it?


10-07-06, 10:49 AM
I could go on a rant about why this war is the exact RIGHT war, at the RIGHT time, in the RIGHT place. But, I choose not to argue with those that would question the leadership of our government, or to even assume that they know better what we should be doing. I will just say this:

It is not up to the individual Marine what they do. Marines do not set policy, they impliment it. It does not matter if you think any given action is a good idea or bad. It doesn't matter if you think killing a terrorist will create another terrorist. Instread, you receive orders and carry them out. Diplomats and elected officials decide what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and where it needs to be done. Once they decide that something needs to be destroyed, you destroy it.

Leave the questioning of the actions to civillians and historians. It is out of your paygrade.

I hope I managed to keep my rants out of the post. It is difficult for me on this subject.

Sgt Leprechaun
10-07-06, 12:36 PM
Quite simply, you gotta get right with yourself on this. But, consider this...would you rather be a part of something bigger than you, me, or anyone else on here, and serve with some of the finest people in the world, at the tip of the spear, the edge of the empire, doing what's right?

Or, do you want to be fighting these 'people' on the streets of your hometown?

It's good to question every once in awhile, BTW....but you are the one who has to look at yourself in the mirror each morning....and ten years from now, are you gonna like what you see?

That's the question you need to answer.

10-07-06, 12:38 PM
You got a point Echo - as a Marine (if I were still AD), I would have no say so in the matter. I would simply get a set of papers telling me I was hereby ordered to report to East Bum, Iraq on such and such a date and I would know how much time I had to get my stuff in order before I left. Wouldn't really make a fat baby's a$$ what I thought was right or not. Nobody asked what I thought - no reason for me to tell them.