View Full Version : Media are persecuting jailed Marines

07-19-06, 07:56 AM
Media are persecuting jailed Marines

Wendy Dalley

Tracy Press

I have been monitoring news accounts from all over the country, and with the exception of this paper, I have come to the following conclusion: media vomits rumor, innuendo and fabrications in order to be the first to make the report.

What they fail to realize or care about is all the damage that is done while they are reporting this unconfirmed information, but they would say they are just doing their jobs as journalists. Sounds awfully similar to what the Nazis said at the Nuremburg Trials: “I was just following orders.”

According to www.dictionary.com, journalism is defined by the style of writing characteristic of material in newspapers and magazines, consisting of direct presentation of facts or occurrences with little attempt at analysis or interpretation, not presenting possibilities, speculation and gossip with an entirely unbias viewpoint as actually happens.

My nephew, Lance Cpl. Tyler A. Jackson, and six other U.S. Marines in 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, along with a U.S. Navy corpsman, were crucified in the media long before an investigation even began. This is absolutely unconscionable.

These brave young men chose to serve their country and were sent to fight against terrorism for the entire world. What do they get for their brave, dedicated, selfless service? Treatment like war criminals on the TV news, in the press — by all the media.

The Marine Corps should be hanging its head in shame for the treatment of these heroes as well. Anyone with any common sense would realize they have neither the time nor inclination to go after innocent people when they are spending each and every day on guard for their lives.

Our military officials and our government need to wake up. The Iraqis are being offered monetary compensation to say things against our troops. The men and women in our armed services have earned and deserve the benefit of the doubt in these matters.

These types of allegations seem to be coming out of the woodwork. There were two before to this one. Why is it that none of the other victims of assertions like these men, who are shackled 23 hours a day while sitting in the brig, are persecuted in the press? Why are these men being singled out?

Shame on you, collectively!

• Wendy Dalley resides in Crooked River Ranch near Terrebonne, Ore.
