View Full Version : LT requests duty in Leavenworth

06-08-06, 07:59 AM
LT requests duty in Leavenworth
Posted By Uncle Jimbo

A lieutenant says he is going to refuse to go, saying it's an unjust war. Anti-war groups are rallying to his defense.

Lt. Ehren Watada of the Stryker Brigade writes, "I refuse to be silent any longer. I refuse to watch families torn apart, while the President tells us to ‘stay the course.’ I refuse to be party to an illegal and immoral war against people who did nothing to deserve our aggression.

This is such an easy one it won't really be any fun, well the legal part at least. Yeah
there just isn't a whole lot of room in military justice for the opinions of those serving as to their lawful orders, especially not Liuetenants who are not authorized or even capable of thinking. So the LT will go to jail or run away, but the fun will come when the anti crowd on the left gets good and frothing on how this is another example of how W's illegal war of aggression against a peaceful kite-flying paradise is not just wrong, but evil.

Maybe the LT will get lucky and he can bunk with Pvt. Graner of Abu Ghraib fame, he could be base man in an all-refusenik naked pyramid. Oh wait, there aren't enough other maroons like him to even make a decent pyramid. I blame Bush for that, he is not evil enough to inspire more fools like the LT to shame and dishonor themselves.

Honestly, I don't know this jagoff, so I will not comment on his sincerity, but his actions show he never had the abililty to see beyond his little self. And we are better off with him making little rocks out of big ones than we would ever be with him in a leadership position in Iraq. So buh-bye LT write when you meet a nice man and settle down.

h/t Heidi the delightful
Army Officer Refuses Orders
by Heidi

1Lt. Ehren Watada will announce today his intentions to refuse his orders to deploy to Iraq.


Anti-war info: thankyoult.org

His father is very proud of him, anti-war advocates are flocking to his aid, and he’s got a legal team ready and waiting in the wings for when he makes his intentions official at coordinated press conferences today. He’s on a Sheehan trajectory to fame.

Lt. Ehren Watada of the Stryker Brigade writes, “I refuse to be silent any longer. I refuse to watch families torn apart, while the President tells us to ‘stay the course.’ I refuse to be party to an illegal and immoral war against people who did nothing to deserve our aggression.

“I wanted to be there for my fellow troops. But the best way was not to help drop artillery and cause more death and destruction. It is to help oppose this war and end it so that all soldiers can come home.” - signed LT.

I guess “Duty, Honor, Country” means nothing to 1Lt. Watada. He’s a soldier - government issue - and he gave up his right to pick and choose his battles a long time ago. A subjectively labeled “unpopular war” is not a reasonable excuse by any military standard. I’m sure that in some warped way, LT Watada believes he is remaining true to his own version of honor, which apparently supercedes the oath he took when commissioned. That’s not honorable in my book. There’s no doubt that he has forgotten the meaning of Duty, and he’s certainly an embarrassment to his Country. Well, at least the part that is red.

Anybody want to make a bet on how soon he’ll join the Cindy Sheehan circus train? After the court martial and prison time, that is…


06-08-06, 08:51 PM
Dang! An officer of a combat unit no less. :thumbdown

And we are better off with him making little rocks out of big ones than we would ever be with him in a leadership position in Iraq.

I can't even imagine one of our Marine LAV LTs trying to pull this crap. :evilgrin: