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05-28-06, 07:36 AM
Forsaken Honor, Forgotten Shame
Russ Vaughn

“False face must hide what the false heart doth know.”

Macbeth 1.7

The liberals found a new Macbeth

To bait the media with claims of death,

And atrocious acts by his own men,

Opportunely vague ‘bout where and when.

But liberal bloggers shared with glee,

New proof of our troops’ infamy;

Web witches stirred their bitter brew,

Caring not their broth might be untrue.

But liberals heed not lessons learned,

That hollow heroes leave them burned.

So fools rush in, disdaining danger,

And hold on high a phony Ranger,

Exploit a mentally troubled youth,

To extend their version of the truth.

Because our troops they so despise,

They swallowed whole his vicious lies.

So now we witness once again,

The Lefties just can’t seem to win,

When it comes to picking warrior heroes,

Liberal heroes often turn out zeroes,

Who wrap themselves up in the flag,

And unlike heroes, boast and brag;

And trot out rows of Purple Hearts,

For scratches on their body parts.

Why must they seek to elevate

Themselves with lies that desecrate

The brave and honorable reputation

Of those who serve, protect our nation?

John Kerry, Murtha and Macbeth,

All share a trait, exploiting death.

In their own selfish quest for fame,

They’ve forsaken honor, forgotten shame.
