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03-01-06, 08:50 PM
An e-mail went around my school today. The email contained a 500 dollar scolarship. It is about Patriotism, and the teachers suggested that it would be good for me to write it up. 1,000 word essay. So feel free to give me some help. :cool: :banana:

03-01-06, 09:46 PM
Write my paper for me.

Just kidding, devilpup. I suggest you look up John Wayne's old speech where he talked about what being an American meant to him. Don't plagiarize, though, write something that comes from your heart. Come up with your own personal slant, because the American Legion or whoever is judging these is gonna read like at least 50 of them. Something beyond "America is the best because we can practice our religions and do whatever we want and shoot our guns and stuff." Also, check out http://www.declaration.net.

Let us know what you come up with.

03-05-06, 05:22 PM
For some, patriotism mean saying the pledge of allegiance, others believe that pulling a flag outside of their porch is true patriotism. People believe that standing behind their commander and chief 100% of the way is the right way, while others believe peace is the true American way. We all have our opinion, but by definition patriotism is love and devotion to one’s country.
Ask one Citizen after another what it means you will probably get wrong answers. Through rough times and calm times, war and peace patriotism is the one thing that when can hang on to. It’s like the feeling you have when you feel like you belong, or belonging to something larger than you are. These are signs of patriotism. It’s nice to see people waving their America flags in the air and everyone one attending parades. But patriotism is deeper than that. It lies in your heart, its something that can never be taken away from us.
For example, the most recent signs of try patriotism and when this country came together was one September 11. It took a major disaster for this country to come together. People all over America was lending hand and helping in any way that they could. It should always be not like that. It shouldn’t take a tragedy like that to happen for us to come together. We live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. We should be proud of this. Not many countries can claim the great tittle that we have.
While we watch our military at war we continue to show our flags and fancy American pins. But are people doing this out of love and devotion or are they doing this so they won’t be label an un-American? Some of the blame can go to the media or people of high authority. It seems that they are telling us that we must show patriotism to prove that we are real Americans. I guess our commander and chief said it the best : ”Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorist.”
I hear people all the time complaining on how bad America is, and how better their country is. I just look at them, sometimes I will laugh at them because they are just speaking out of stupidity. But other times I would love to argue with them why they would say such a thing. There are kids in my senior class that does not salute the flag. When I see this I get upset because I am a future Marine. When they don’t salute the flag it’s like their spiting in my face. It’s just not write, something has to be done. There should be a penalty for not being a patriot.
I know people that have put their life on the line and some that has died protecting this great country. They fought for out freedom, they provide the blanket of protection that we sleep under every night.
Patriotism does not mean the same in all countries. For example, In Iraq there are groups or terrorist that in their eyes are doing good for their country. They view American’s as terrorist. But in our eyes they are the enemy they are the terrorist. They call them selves the guerilla fighters. Their purpose of fighting is for Allah meaning their God. We may think that it’s crazy but that what they believe in, that’s their religion.

03-06-06, 07:47 AM
I was wondering how you become a distiguished marksman, and become a member of the USMC rifle team

03-06-06, 11:52 AM
Devil Pup -

Good start, I think you are right on target with your comments about patriotism being more than flying a flag and attending a parade. Couple of suggestions though:

1. Saluting the flag - your comments are a bit ambiguious, what exactly do you mean? Actually rendering a hand salute? Or are you referring to showing respect and honoring the flag? I would be more clear, flesh out your point more.

2. A penalty for not being patriotic? While I think I understand where you are going with this, I'm not sure that I would word it quite that way. Forcing someone to hold a particular belief is, to me, anyway, going against the ideals that our nation was founded upon. Unfortunately, in America we have the right to not be patriotic, which granted, is like biting the hand that feeds you, but it is a fact.

3. I would argue that patriotism is the same in the US as it is in all countries. They are being patriotic to what they believe is correct, which is also their right, however we have the right to prove them wrong!

03-08-06, 07:29 AM
i changed some thing in my paper and also added some things. Hopefully i win the scholarship. Wish me luck and thank you for all of the advice