View Full Version : ‘Nam war and ‘Raq war have differences, similarities

11-01-05, 07:42 AM
‘Nam war and ‘Raq war have differences, similarities <br />
By Steve Hammons <br />
October 29, 2005 <br />
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Many people who observe current events in the United States and overseas have said, “We are fighting the...

11-01-05, 08:27 AM
Finally...iI have someone who agrees with what I have been saying for sometime, how VietNam and Irag are very simalar. Got involved in Nam because the Intell community stretched the truth to President JOHNSON and now we are in Irag because our "Intell" guys got it wrong again (Hmmm..makes you wonder INTELL????).

With that said, we are now committed to this operation, I ask people what should we do at this point, Say oooppps sorry, we're going home, you people are on your own. No we now have a responsibility to stabalize this nations government. The insurgents have studied their history and saw how insurgents (VC) in Nam gave us fits and our current military leaders still haven't learned from past mistakes.

11-01-05, 09:48 AM
Big Dog,
You have hit the nail on the head!!!! If the President keeps getting bad information he is going to make bad decisions.

Sometimes I wonder what the government's definition of "Intelligence" is!!!!


11-01-05, 10:03 AM
Don't forget one more difference....
upon landing in sunny Cal. we were told to keep a low profile because we wernt very well liked back here in the world....At least the troops now days get a warm welcome home and treated with honor


11-01-05, 11:04 AM
and the reason for that Montana is because most of these young women and men are children or relatives of the Vietnam Vets and were not going to let the people belittle them like they did us.... enough said.

11-01-05, 01:19 PM
what a differance 30 years makes!

11-04-05, 12:51 PM
As a son of a Viet Nam Vet and being an Iraq Vet, All of you have it right. The Vets from Nam won't allow the Vets from Iraq to be shown the same disaster they faced upon returning home. The Intell from then and now are very much the same. No lesson learned from the last one. And the Insurgents have been studying up from the Viet Nam Era to harass us now.

11-06-05, 12:56 PM

so true, so true. we were subgagated to the spitting on, being called baby killers, etc. we viet vets will NOT allow this to happen to the service men and women of today. that way they can keep their minds on the situation at hand.