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T. Staggs19
09-21-05, 05:19 PM
When I was 15-16yrs I was charged with 1 class A burglary of a motor vehicle with 13 counts on this singular charge. the Marines tell me that they view every count as a felony and I am (as far as...

09-21-05, 05:42 PM
I would think you should start with whats close first.. Start with the D.A..., then you can ask a judge to review the case details, talk to the women behind the counter at the county clerks office, they know all the judges, just tell them whats going on and what you need help doing, all the while making your face as regular as you can at, the D.A.s office, your state and federal representatives offices.. you will be very surprised how far you can get with LOTS of persistence.. be nice, be professsional and be direct, be well dressed and groomed, those will open more doors if you than you can believe.. in short everytime they turn around you are there.. but remember to be nice, not a kiss ass, just nice as in professional and direct.

09-21-05, 06:43 PM
Don't forget what your goal is. What I mean by that is you want to become a Marine. Get affidavids from well know people in your comunity, i.e., clergy, police officers, etc... Make sure that your goal is at the for front of every conversation and piece of paper. Make it well known what you want them to do for you. DO NOT put any words in their thoughts or on paper, if they know you well enough that should be no problem. Has your sentence(s) been executed yet, or are they suspended? If they are suspended maybe the D.A. can convince the court to reduce your punishment. Or clear you all together. How old are you now? That may play a roll in wheter you can get anything done or not. By the way this is a juvenile record, so maybe with a review these things could work. The Marine Corps DOESN'T CONDONE what you did so approach this with a lot of caution.

T. Staggs19
09-21-05, 07:39 PM
The disposition on this is finalized, I am currently 19 and this occurred when I was 16. My recruiters have told me exactly what the document must say and I am going to ask them to type this and get the DA etc. to sign when I go up to Granbury later this week. I already have dozens of references. I spent the night at a friends house and the next morning police showed up and me and him were surrounded by what he said was his stuff ( but was stolen). Next I know im in court. I learned "guilt by association" the hard way(and dont trust lawyers), but it was a valuable lesson for me.I dont even have a speeding ticket on my record. I appreciate the help that I am recieving and I will keep yall informed.

Joseph P Carey
09-21-05, 08:44 PM
There is also the Restoration of Rights that should be applied for after Sever Years of your conviction and the end of your sentence. In truth, should you have a felony on your record, you are not even be allowed to vote in an election, much less be a Marine. You do know that some people are just not meant to be Marines, do you not?

09-21-05, 09:39 PM

I don't think he gets what we are trying to tell him...???

T. Staggs19
09-21-05, 09:47 PM
Yes sir I realize this, but I must point out that an adjudication of a minor is not a conviction, juvenile law is set up in a different manner than its counterpart system (it is often referred to as the Texas Family Code).My sealed juvenile records contain only 1 class A misdemeanor, the Marines interpret it as a felony due to thier military regulations. Of course if I was not persuing a degree in criminal justice then I would have came to the same conclusin as you. As of right now I am only disqualified due to a technicality within the regulations, as soon as I get the document clarifying this, my recruiter says I will be fully qualified. All i am asking is the opportunity to prove my worth...

Joseph P Carey
09-21-05, 11:09 PM
I am going to give it to you straight off the shoulder Kid. The Marines base their entire profile on Discipline, both self and organized discipline. It is the discipline to not go doing a 'Lone Ranger Act', while others are in danger. It is the discipline to stand and to face death, or to walk into it, when all the sane parts of your body are screaming to you to run like hell! It is the discipline to be scared to death, but still be able to function and to continue on when you know you could not in your right mind do such a thing. It is the discipline to know that honor and duty come first, even in your personal life.

You may get your chance, and you may well prove me wrong, but from what you have said of yourself, I think they will cut you out in the first two weeks of training. There are many things that go into the making of a Marine, and you lack a few of those things, one of them is staying power, and the other is the self-discipline to keep your head in the right direction.

The USA has 300 Million people plus, and there are only about 180,000 of those people on any given day of the year that are Active Marines. My math may be fuzzy, but I think that is only Six Ten Thousandths of the population of the USA, and that proportionate number gets smaller every day, because, as the population of the USA grows larger each day, the Marine Corps does not!

The thing is, the Marines have so many good people to choose from without the problems equal to that of a High School Algebra Book, they just will not waste their time on one that will cause them problems later.

T. Staggs19
09-22-05, 12:25 AM
One of the things that I like about this site is the fact that the people on it are not afraid to speak thier minds, I appeciate that you are honest with me. Regardless of which branch i go into I will do my best to be the best. I want everyone to know that I stand accountable for my actions and in no way will I hide or be ashamed of my past. I am the person that i am today because of the choices that I made, wrong or right. You are judging based upon a single event that has occurred in my life,without knowing how I came to be in that situation. I am in no way attempting to disrespect you , and I will not try to sway your opinion because I do know that words are cheap. "Acta non Verba' is latin for action before words, and I fully believe that is the only way to prove anything. I know that i am not the same person that I once was and i aim to prove it , whether or not it is in the Marines only time will tell...

09-22-05, 12:34 AM
This young man has come to us for guidance for a question that is I believe is sincere. I made plenty of mistakes in my life too when I was younger and learned the hard way also. So I still think...

09-22-05, 01:28 PM

Joseph P Carey
09-22-05, 06:56 PM
In truth guys, if the Marines consider his charge a felony, it would be easier for the 'Mountain to move to Mohammed' than for the Marines to change their collective mind in this matter. There is no...