View Full Version : Going Back

08-12-05, 12:00 PM
I have been kicking myself since I got back from P.I. I made it all the way up to Grass Week when I re-injured my leg from MCMAP Body-hardening. The recruit I was "partnered" with was the Platton's...

08-12-05, 01:05 PM
Don't make excuses. MRP had little, if anything, to do with your failure to complete Recruit Training. There are far too many people (myself included) that spent time in MRP and did just fine. Don't look for somewhere else to lay the blame. Take it on yourself, and let it make you stronger. You failed to accomplish your mission. If you have the mindset you need as a Marine, this is unacceptable. You have to spend this time getting ready to go back. Be thankful that you can get a second chance. Don't waste it.

08-12-05, 01:13 PM
Good advice E4B, you have time to get even more prepared for the challenge recruit training brings. There are no excuses.....JUST GRADUATION and being a Marine!!! EARNING the title is just what that means....Come back bigger and better than before!!!!!!!!!

08-12-05, 04:13 PM

I did not see where Metalriff was making excuses at all. Maybe I missed it...??? It could happen...

Semper Fidelis

08-12-05, 07:08 PM
I missed it too GySgtRet. No excuses were made. It sounds like he has the mind set to get through boot just needs to get back to 100% physically.
good luck Metalriff.

08-12-05, 07:39 PM
i agree...i missed where excuses were made......... it sounds like Metalriff was stating that it was not possible to continue Recruit training at the time due to the unheald injury

08-13-05, 09:13 AM
Spend the coming year working on the leg, study Marine Corps history, keep the motivation and you will succeed next time.
If you have a family that supports your decision...you are halfway there!
Best of luck to you.

08-14-05, 12:07 AM
Gunny, Cpl, and Poolee <br />
The excuse &quot;You sit, study knowledge, and think. It is no place for a recruit.&quot; Maybe I am wrong, but to me it seems as if he is blaming MRP for his failure to adapt...

08-14-05, 12:53 PM
Cpl, I don't think that he was making excuses but rather stating the obvious feelings you have...I was on PI for 5 months and all 5 were spent in FRP...all day I'd sit there and study and think about how I should be in training and I shouldn't be doing this...It can be de-motivating; you watch your platoon graduate, see recruits who yuo know shouldn't be Marines graduate, you sit idley by and pray that you heal before they decide to boot you off the island. STC is like a holding cell; you're the unwanted b@stard children of the island...or atleast that is how you feel. You feel like you're never going to get out of STC and that can start to eat at you; I'm not saying that it's an excuse but it truly is how it feels...I know I can't wait to get back to the island and all that but at the same time I can see why STC can de-motivate the heck-outta you...but that's just my opinoin...


08-15-05, 01:35 PM
I was not trying to make excuses, E4B. I was stating in that remark, that MRP is absoulutly horrid for a recruit. There is a myriad of feelings that one will go through while sitting on a foot locker. Thoughts and feelings of doubt, depression, motivation, helplessness, anger, and insignificance. Some SDI's came in to visit their "old" recruits. We got a burst of absoulute motivation and joy at the sight of our old Senior Drill Instructor; it is like seeing a family member.

I know what I have to do in order to go back. I still study my notes from the classes. I still run and work out. Granted I am not in a heavy routine yet, I am still in the shape as when I got back. MRP is not something I want to re-live again.

08-15-05, 02:36 PM
Last week I met a recruit at MCRD San Diego who got dropped in week 9 to MRP. This recruit had so much heart that he completed the crucible with a stress fracture only to get found out in week 9 with an agreivated condition. He was highly motivated and preparing to get picked up by a new platoon and graduate. I know how hard it was for him to watch his platoon graduate without him. He will do fine and he will graduate with his new platoon with no doubt in my military mind. I wish you luck Metalriff you sound like you have what it takes to accomplish the mission this time.

08-15-05, 06:30 PM
i think that with the time you have before you can re-enlist you should cherish every moment with your family and friends because once you're a marine you're not gonna be around them much if at all. study and learn about the corps and train (PT) and stay moto and you'll be good to go, good luck.

08-15-05, 08:39 PM
Best of luck to you, Metal. I'm in the same boat.

08-15-05, 08:56 PM
The only thing I have to say is to motivate yourself study your Marine Corps history take care of that leg...........and good luck

08-16-05, 11:54 AM
Wat is failure to adapt mean like you couldn't run or like you didnt work as a team type of thing?

08-16-05, 11:47 PM
Metalriff did you have a choice between getting discharged or staying in MRP? <br />
<br />
Body hardening, to this day (just got my grey belt) still hurts like a son of a *****. It's supposed to if you are...

08-17-05, 01:26 AM
I graduated last week with a fellow Marine who took a total of 270 some odd days to earn his title. He was in MRP at Paris Island until they kicked him out. It took him 5 years before he could get his second chance, during which he avoided injury and graduated on time. MRP sucks, but there are many who have stuck it out and/or gone back afterward. It's not impossible.