View Full Version : Tampa FL is full of idiots!

Dragon Air
04-19-04, 06:57 PM
A group of college students were having a pic-nic in a park and gave some homeless people some food. A police officer cited them because it is ILLEGAL to give homeless people food without a permit. ...

04-19-04, 08:00 PM
Okay, its your choice.
I agree Kerry is the worst choice. However, I don't want to see a "revolution". The thin veneer of civilization would collapse, just as it did when the Hurricane ripped up Florida several years ago. Folks were keeping watch over their families and homes with firearms, standing watches through the night. I don't relish that situation within our borders for non-natural causes.

04-19-04, 08:15 PM
Ahh I tend to agree that it is silly for it to be illegal to feed the homeless, but my question is, why would anyone want to anyway? And i am Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it is the way i feel. if you want me to explain, fine i will, but otherwise, I 'll just leave it at that.

04-19-04, 08:54 PM
Dragon Air: Can you tell me where you got this interesting bit of reporting? You have my curiosity up and I would like to see if there is more to the story (there's always two sides).


04-19-04, 10:31 PM
Arrests made for feeding homeless - By Adam Becker <br />
Asst. News Editor <br />
April 19, 2004 <br />
<br />
Three more people, at least one of them a USF student, were arrested Sunday by Tampa police for feeding...

04-20-04, 08:59 AM
Thanks yellowwing.

I wonder if Mr. Dunson, being 18 years of age, has registered with the Selective Service in accordance to law (yeah, sure he has).

Dragon Air, Tampa is not full of idiots; just citizens tired of freeloaders peeing and crapping in public places. Your "innocent students" sound more like professional anarchists who believe that disagreeing with a law (any law) is reason enough to justify disobeying a law.

…throw them in jail, or better yet, saddle them with the bill for the “biohazard” cleanup in the parks…

04-20-04, 09:36 AM
What a difference a news article makes. Thanks yellowwing.

The political activism of the students is tied to anti-war sentiment. The name of the student group is "Food not Bombs". Am I supposed to believe they are doing this for purely altruistic reasons? I don't think so. Are there future Martin Sheen wannabe's at USF? Hmmm, could be.

Why does the city have to "provide facilities" for feeding homeless? How are funds to be raised to maintain such locations? Taxes! Are the citizens being asked to contribute to this homeless feeding? Is it legal to impose a city tax to handle feeding people who don't feel like working?

Why don't these students work to attain private support for such locations. Or better yet, hold fund-raisers and give the proceeds to existing providers, such as Salvation Army, or any of the listed faith-based organizations? Does the religious connection of these feeder organizations cause a blockage in student good intent?

In light of current politics, and how the candidates arrived where they did, does James Dunson, student activist, plan to run for the Presidency in twenty years? Will we have changed enough as a society to vote such a personality into the most powerful office in the land?

I'm not sure I'd want to see that happen. Let Florida keep James and his friends there.

04-20-04, 09:41 AM
Yeah, wasn't a bunch of 'innocent students' that hit our embassy in Iran?

04-20-04, 09:58 AM
Let Florida keep James and his friends there Gee... thanks! LOL

namgrunt; good points, and what I was alluding to with the suggestion of giving the anarchists the cleanup bills.

There are those who see taxes as the democratic means of enforcing socialistic idioms on America - the redistribution of wealth. No matter how you earn your fortune, we will take it and give it to others, whether they deserve it or are just to freakin lazy to earn it themselves – why should I work to get ahead when I can take what you earned?

04-20-04, 10:59 AM

Its a matter of the foxes teaching the chickens how to behave when the raids begin. We have our own version of the same principles here in Michigan. The local TV, radio, and print media are instrumental in the "socialization" of the good citizens hereabouts.

Everybody want to get on the evening news. They tell their friends and family to watch the bleeding heart portion of the broadcasts. It gets so frustrating I could just break wind and feel justified. Everyone is a poor victim, but no one has solutions to solve the problems. They only provide pain-killers to cover the symptoms. Its all show.

mark king
04-20-04, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by TracGunny
Thanks yellowwing.

I wonder if Mr. Dunson, being 18 years of age, has registered with the Selective Service in accordance to law (yeah, sure he has).

Dragon Air, Tampa is not full of idiots; just citizens tired of freeloaders peeing and crapping in public places. Your "innocent students" sound more like professional anarchists who believe that disagreeing with a law (any law) is reason enough to justify disobeying a law.

…throw them in jail, or better yet, saddle them with the bill for the “biohazard” cleanup in the parks…

you are 100% correct!!!

04-20-04, 11:37 AM
HardJedi.....I have to agree with you about feeding the homeless. Too many of them take advantage of peoples' kindness.

Dragon Air.... don't vote for Kerry just because you think he's the worst choice. B.S. like that is handled on a much more local level of government than the U.S. executive branch.

04-20-04, 12:00 PM
TracGunny, <br />
<br />
Now TracGunny you said a mouth full, hit the nail on the head,the right scoop, you will receive an A+. <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
News <br />
Arrests made for feeding homeless <br />
Feeding the What?

04-20-04, 06:47 PM
If you feed them, they'll come back. They can use the money they panhandle to buy drugs or, being nice and full and healthy, they can have the energy to rob someone, maybe your daughter, and buy even more drugs.
Don't feed 'em. Don't enable 'em. They'll bite you on the ass.
The kids have good hearts but they're still soft in the head and have no experience.
Bring 'em up to Atlanta and let 'em hang around Five Points for about a week. It'll be a great learning experience.

04-20-04, 06:48 PM
4669, this is scary. We've agreed on two subjects now.

04-20-04, 06:59 PM

4669, this is scary. We've agreed on two subjects now.

Darn am I getting soft? Who knows you may vote my way after all.