View Full Version : Poolee wants to do his part in Iraq

03-23-04, 12:08 AM
I enlisted into the Reserves on October 24,2003. I was wondering what are my chances of being sent to Iraq so I can help out and do my part. I will be part of the 14th Marines ( Arty) any info will be helpful. Thanks!

03-23-04, 01:02 AM
Don't worry, you are going to get your chance.

03-23-04, 10:24 AM
Cole, you never can tell. I know people that served many tours as infantrymen that never saw a shot fired in anger. I also know of a reservist that was deployed after two or three drills with his unit after bootcamp and SOI. You never know for sure what will happen in the future. However, I will venture a guess and say that you will NOT be in Iraq. The chances of there being a need for additional troops in Iraq by the time you complete training are slim to none. However, there are still two nations on President Bush's "Axis of Evil" left and numerous other real threats to the safety of Americans. Chances are you will get your chance.

On a side note, which battery are you headed for?

Super Dave
03-23-04, 12:26 PM
Can i go too?

03-23-04, 03:09 PM
when you get done with all you IADT, i'm sure ther will be extensive opportunities for you to volunteer to be sent oversease. although there is a slim chance that it will not happen. i have volunteered many times with my unit and with any other unit to try and go over, but i have never been accepted. you just have to keep your hopes up...

03-23-04, 03:33 PM
Battery E, 2nd,Bn

03-23-04, 06:41 PM
also are they sending mostly Reserve Marines now?

03-25-04, 02:58 PM
You can do your part by sending some letters and care packages to your soon to be brothers and soldiers that are already there.

03-26-04, 08:06 PM
No, they are not sending mostly reserves now. They just sent I MEF, which is as active duty as you can get.