View Full Version : Climate Change endangering illegal aliens lives en-route to America....

12-28-21, 03:12 PM
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<header class="caas-title-wrapper">Study: Climate change increases risk of migrants dying en route to U.S.

</header></header>Ben Adler (https://www.yahoo.com/author/ben-adler)·Senior Climate Editor

<time class="" datetime="2021-12-27T21:14:05.000Z">Mon, December 27, 2021, 3:14 PM</time>·2 min read

<figure class="caas-figure">

</figure>The trek across the desert in northern Mexico and the southwestern United States has always been treacherous due to high temperatures and a scarcity of water, but now climate change is making it more deadly, according to a new study.
A report published this month (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abh1924) in the journal Science, found that climate change is exacerbating the dangers that migrants encounter on their journey.
The main cause of death among migrants entering the United States through its southern border is dehydration, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Since higher average global temperatures lead to more extreme waves, more evaporation and more severe droughts, the risk of death among migrants is increasing. At least 650 people died while trying to cross the border this year, according to (https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/09/politics/migrants-dying-crossing-us-mexico-border/index.html) the International Organization for Migration. That’s the highest number of any year since an agency began counting migrant deaths in 2014.
<figure class="caas-figure">https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/zOEquRF7mOOEw4lG99EfJg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtjZj13ZWJw/https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2021-12/7d76bf80-6758-11ec-bafe-4bfee82e87ca

<figcaption class="caption-collapse" data-id="m-0">Crosses left by border activists mark the locations of remains of migrants who died trying to cross into the United States. Jan. 24, 2021 in the Altar Valley, Ariz. (Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images)</figcaption>
</figure>The study’s authors found that the locations where migrants die in an often traveled area between Nogales, Mexico and Three Point, Ariz. are concentrated in places with the greatest predicted evaporated water loss. Even the lowest end of the estimated evaporative water loss is enough to cause severe dehydration and potentially lead to death.
“We find that migrants’ journey will become significantly more dangerous over the next 30 years,” said Reena Walker, a graduate student in wildlife sciences at the University of Idaho and co-lead author of the study, in a press release (https://www.uidaho.edu/news/news-articles/news-releases/2021-fall/121621-migrants).
<figure class="caas-figure">https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/N0PpIgXw9gUt8ED1RASLng--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtjZj13ZWJw/https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2021-12/b359f490-6759-11ec-9f5f-1b869b9d6945

<figcaption class="caption-collapse" data-id="m-1">Border Patrol Agent Jacob Stukenberg with Guatemalan migrant Misael Paiz, 25, who died in Pima County, Ariz., Sept. 10, 2018. (Lucy Nicholson/Reuters)</figcaption>
</figure>The study also found that the amount of drinking water carried by a typical migrant won’t prevent severe dehydration, and that the gap between how much water most people carry and how much they will need will widen due to climate change. These dangerous journeys will also likely become more common, as droughts in Central America lead to (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/07/23/magazine/climate-migration.html) increased migration to the United States.

12-30-21, 07:04 AM
Listen up, Brothers.....I truly believe we need to confront this humanitarian crisis head on. Russ and I are starting a Petition to the Federal Government to aid our illegal friends. No illegal should have to trek a thousand miles unassisted. Russ's son Conch, was the result of Russ's affair with an illegal Cuban Woman. So he is deeply committed to reaching out with helping hands. We think that there should be a walk-able expressway out of each migrant Country to America. There should be a rest stop every 3 miles, equipped with modern restrooms and snack-bars. Every 10 miles there has to be a "Taco Bell" with an outdoor patio equipped with lawn chairs and showers. Every 50 miles there will be a Wal-Mart where illegals can shop with their US Government prepaid debit card with 500 dollars. There will be a Motel 6 every 100 miles with charging stations for those with electric mobility carts. Mobile Red Cross units will be ready to respond instantly for drug over doses and Child endangerment issues. There will be a Democratic Representative at every rest station to remind those making this Historic trip that once they reach the American Border that they will go through American Citizenship automated swearing in booths. Once sworn in as a Citizen of the US, they will automatically be signed up for Welfare, food-stamps, free health-care, low income housing, and aid for dependent children. Each one will receive a Government "Hot-Shot" of 5,000 dollars resettlement booster. They will then be transported to their State of Choice and City of choice in that State. They will then be processed into that States resettlement program.
Please Brothers, contact Russ to sign the Petition......

USMC 2571
12-30-21, 08:43 AM
Shame on you, Billy. You've been snooping around Biden's basement again, looking at his Blueprints For America plans.

12-30-21, 09:56 AM
So far Billy, no one is willing to fund the walkable ex-way. On the plus side though I have promises for a dozen pair of reusable water wings to assist the illegals on their swim across the river.

Conk's mother was/is still a real cuban beauty, and she loved me long time. Now she knows where I am and she wants to see me again. Looks like I'm moving again.

Zulu 36
12-30-21, 10:14 AM

Maybe she can move in with my Ex. They can yak in Spanish with each other and make one another Moors and Christians (white rice and beans).

12-30-21, 10:39 AM
I like it brother, I just hope your Ex lives far away from Florida. That Cuban just won't stop.

Zulu 36
12-30-21, 01:57 PM
Nope, the Ex lives in Putnam County.

12-31-21, 05:56 AM
Y'all are making fun of crimes against humanity. These poor people are in survival mode. They have been subjected to atrocities of pure horror. They have been unwilling forced to work and sacrifice to take care of themselves and their families. How could we not support those forgotten souls who merely seek residence in a Country with a welfare system that will take care of their every need for as long as they live. Russ and I are so proud to represent those illegal Angels seeking a new way of life. Russ has personally volunteered to over see the large facility he had built for illegal single females between 18 and 30 years of age. He told me it brings tears to his eyes when he thinks of all the wonderful things he can do for these young Sluts.

01-06-22, 05:51 AM
Climate Change endangering illegal aliens lives en-route to America....

BFD = Big Friggin' Deal...

they should have to take the frozen iceberg route with the Polar Bears,
with the drowning bear-CUBS - because
their icebergs are "MELTING"
Stroke, stroke, stroke,stroke-

swim for it "WETBACKS"

01-06-22, 03:29 PM
Ed, "Wetbacks" is a very racist definition. For shame......for shame, Brother. I'm so glad that I'm not a racist person. You should apologize for calling those Taco Benders a wetback.....

01-07-22, 02:41 PM
Au Contrair "Moi Amigo LittleBillyMongoose" -

U.S. Border Patrol has reported
ILLEGALS from over 140 different countries are crossing our borders on a daily basis.
What pray tell makes you think I am limiting
to the hereto normal expectations to the (phrase) IE:title wetbacks

R.S.V.P. kind sir

01-08-22, 06:34 AM
Ed, you're a Northeastern Citizen....anyone who doesn't have a image of Abe Lincoln tattooed on their forehead is an illegal alien. While us Southern Citizens eat black-eyed peas and cornbread, y'all gum around on hoagies and Philly cheese steaks. While we shoot guns, y'all shoot the shet with each other. While we embrace our Southern ancestors, y'all embrace Winston Churchill and the Queen of England. While we fight for States Rights, y'all fight for the right to fvck State Rights.......just saying......

USMC 2571
01-08-22, 11:10 AM
Hahaha. Excellent, Billy

01-08-22, 02:54 PM
Ed, you're a Northeastern Citizen....anyone who doesn't have a image of Abe Lincoln tattooed on their forehead is an illegal alien. While us Southern Citizens eat black-eyed peas and cornbread, y'all gum around on hoagies and Philly cheese steaks. While we shoot guns, y'all shoot the shet with each other. While we embrace our Southern ancestors, y'all embrace Winston Churchill and the Queen of England. While we fight for States Rights, y'all fight for the right to fvck State Rights.......just saying......

ooh, ouch, that hurts...:confused:

01-09-22, 10:06 AM
Pat, Dave no longer identifies with Yankee States. I helped him get his Green Card and work permit so he could move to a neutral State and identify as a "Half Breed". It has really opened his eyes. He dissolved his membership with the NAACP and took Elisabeth Warren off his Facebook friends list. He told me that he burned all his BLM tee shirts and deleted Nancy Pelosi's email address. He has now decided to not Represent the Hispanic Group that is trying to have the Alamo demolished. They claim that the suicide rate is triple for those Mexicans that have walked by or seen the Alamo in pictures, than those who haven't seen it. I am very proud of the progress Dave is making. At this rate he will be able to apply for full Southern Citizenship in about 6 months.......

USMC 2571
01-09-22, 10:26 AM
Billy, it just proves that it's never too late to change.

01-23-22, 12:42 AM
maybe we SHOULD help all the illegals come here, then WE can take over a couple of south American countries and re-create the America we all knew and love ... of course, by then the US will be totally bankrupt and a gay criminal paradise, so those illegals will want to return home ...

01-24-22, 06:37 AM
What we need to do is this......we should get NASA to equip special satellites with huge magnifying lenses , focused on U.S. southern borders. Remember when we were kids and we took a magnifying glass and burned up ants.....just saying....

01-29-22, 10:54 AM
can't use the term "wetbacks" anymore, it's not PC...new terminology for illegals entering via our southern border is "dusty butts"...

02-05-22, 04:57 PM
If America is as racist as the dems say, why does everyone want to come here? It’s because white people build the best societies. That may sound racist itself , but prove me wrong.

02-06-22, 08:36 AM
If America is as racist as the dems say, why does everyone want to come here? It’s because white people build the best societies. That may sound racist itself , but prove me wrong.

You know Eric, this is black history month. Just listen and learn, Brother. They will tell us that America was built by black slaves. They won't empathize the fact that the black slaves that may have been used, was for no skill required jobs. Think about it.....can you just see some business establishment using a Headquarters made from tree trunks and bamboo leaves. Besides, there was a shortage of bananas and alligator fat to pay them with in those days.....just saying.....

09-02-23, 01:19 PM
How about this to ponder? They have said that the earth is just a little off its axis.
Well, since we discovered oil to you as energy, we have pumped oil out of the ground, put up dams, to change what way water can run, and blasted junk into space.
To say that climate change is possible. It is something to think about. We are using our land and using it for what ever we need. There's something going on and it's changing fast. If we don't find something new to run our cars, jets, trains, trucks, and missions to space besides what we are using, we will have a critical crisis on our hands. But these temps have me a little worried. Along with all this funky weather we are having. What will happen in 150 years or 1000 years or so?

09-02-23, 01:37 PM
Well, lets see. Do we know that funky weather and these temps haven't happened a 1,000 times since the beginning of time....No, we don't. All we know is what the liberal azzwipes tell us is happening. Also, let us not forget the money lurking behind all the liberal bullshet.....

09-02-23, 01:42 PM
here's a bit of news the media won't tell you about CO2, At our highest output in 2007 the US put out 6.14 Billion tons of CO2.
Now here's the kicker, each gown tree takes in 48lbs every year, The USA has about 300 billion trees, according to the USDA, which means that our forests alone take in and process 14.4 TRILLION tons of CO2 every year... proof that the whole "CO2 greenhouse gas" is full of crap...

09-04-23, 08:08 AM
Holy cow Pat, so I hear you saying if we cut down on the amount of co2 we're producing then we're going to lose a hell of a lot of trees. The entire world will turn into a barren desert.

I don't know about you all but I'm turning my air conditioner down to 65 degrees and I'm grilling out every day from now on. I'm also buying an old gas guzzler tomorrow. I can't do this all by myself so I need lots of help, our new course must be to save the world.

09-04-23, 05:19 PM
Holy cow Pat, so I hear you saying if we cut down on the amount of co2 we're producing then we're going to lose a hell of a lot of trees. The entire world will turn into a barren desert.

I don't know about you all but I'm turning my air conditioner down to 65 degrees and I'm grilling out every day from now on. I'm also buying an old gas guzzler tomorrow. I can't do this all by myself so I need lots of help, our new course must be to save the world.


09-05-23, 07:16 PM
Holy cow Pat, so I hear you saying if we cut down on the amount of co2 we're producing then we're going to lose a hell of a lot of trees. The entire world will turn into a barren desert.

I don't know about you all but I'm turning my air conditioner down to 65 degrees and I'm grilling out every day from now on. I'm also buying an old gas guzzler tomorrow. I can't do this all by myself so I need lots of help, our new course must be to save the world.
Yep, the % of CO2 in our atmosphere is 0.04 %, if it drops to 0.03 % then plant life begins to die.

10-10-23, 09:15 AM
Any body else notice a$$gas increasing more and more
in and about the skivies as we all get older ?????