View Full Version : The COVID Emergency Is Over. Get Back To Life

Cpl Keller
12-19-21, 12:29 PM
We have done it.
It took two years, but the world now has both vaccines against and treatments for the coronavirus infection. Already, the coronavirus is far less deadly than it was at the beginning of the pandemic. But between vaccination, monoclonal antibodies, and Pfizer's new pill Paxlovid, the threat posed by COVID-19 has diminished to the point of being manageable.
The Biden administration only has to get up off its rear and expedite the approval for this miracle treatment, which reduces fatalities in serious COVID-19 cases by more than 90%. Every day the Biden administration delays, more people die. This is unacceptable. The government should let people take this lifesaving drug now.
Of course, there is no official marker for when a pandemic ends. Most of America already decided earlier this year that the COVID-19 pandemic was unofficially over, in most cases, after they got their vaccines and for the first time. Most of the nation has gotten over this whole thing outside of a couple of major cities.
Across the country, people have stopped living in fear. They have stopped limiting their social interactions. They have reopened their businesses. They are not putting their masks back on between bites or sips — in fact, they have stopped wearing masks, let alone double masks or triple masks, and all businesses except airlines have stopped demanding them. They have kept their schools open. And you wouldn't know it by looking at the front page of the New York Times each day, but nearly everyone has stopped obsessing and panicking over whatever the latest variant is.
A majority of those eligible (in most states, a very large majority) have already gotten vaccinated. Many are going back for a booster shot. Although the vaccines are not preventing the virus from being passed to others, they are keeping a lot of people out of the hospital. Those who choose not to get them are making an unfortunate but free decision to forgo that protection. It is an unfortunate decision because it is obvious by now that every person will get the coronavirus at some point; it's only a matter of how severe it will be. However, the goal of preventing its spread is not remotely realistic.
It isn't always the case, but the popular wisdom on this issue is correct. Echelon Insights polled 1,020 likely voters, posing two alternatives: Should COVID-19 continue to be handled as an emergency, or should it be treated like any other endemic disease such as the cold or the flu — a part of life whose risks need to be managed? A full 56% chose "endemic disease like the cold or the flu." Only 36% chose "emergency."
Cold weather has arrived throughout most of the United States, and so more people are now spending time indoors. Also, the weaker but apparently more virulent omicron strain of the coronavirus has found its way into the country. This means coronavirus cases will rise in most states, just as they did in Florida (where cases are down now) during its intensely hot summer months.
Even as certain Democratic governors attempt to lock down and impose mask mandates on their states once again, their hearts are no longer in it (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/mask-mandates-are-coming-back-but-the-panicked-power-trips-are-fading) . They know that nobody is going to respect these rules, and indeed, in most places, they do not. This is why governors such as California's Gavin Newsom and New York's Kathy Hochul acknowledge that they will not be enforcing their own bans this time around. People simply wouldn't accept it.
Moreover, even hospitals and medical providers are realizing they cannot afford to enforce vaccine mandates on their employees. Ideological rigidity on this question could leave no one in place to care for the sick or even to administer much-needed vaccinations and treatments.
The emergency is over. So is the excuse for soft tyranny.

Full article:

the-covid-emergency-is-over-get-back-to-life (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/faith-freedom-self-reliance/editorials/the-covid-emergency-is-over-get-back-to-life)

12-19-21, 02:56 PM
Thing is, Brother...our Liberal Socialist Government will never admit defeat of the Virus. It's their ace in the hole for controlling the weak minded. I too, think that most people will reject being forced to bow down to our mindless President and Idiot Congress.

12-22-21, 06:45 PM
admin will wait until election time to release the "new" preventative maintenance pill... their "ace in the hole" card to sway undecideds to vote dummycrap.....