View Full Version : Why can blacks talk trash about Whites, but we can't talk about them......

10-27-21, 02:33 PM
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</figure>A professor at Rutgers University said that white people can’t afford to have children and “kind of deserve it” in a September virtual conference hosted by a prominent black-oriented publication.
Brittney Cooper, a professor of women’s and gender studies and Africana studies at Rutgers, made the statement during a session (https://www.theroot.com/the-root-institute-2021-unpacking-the-attacks-on-criti-1847711634) of the Root Institute conference.
Set up as a discussion between Cooper and author Michael Harriot, the session was titled “Unpacking the Attacks on Critical Race Theory” and occurred on Sept. 21.
LOUDOUN COUNTY PARENTS REQUIRED TO SIGN TYPE OF NDA TO VIEW CRT-AFFILIATED CURRICULUM (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/loudoun-county-parents-required-to-sign-type-of-nda-to-view-crt-affiliated-curriculum)
Cooper cited the rise in the cost of living as the reason white people aren’t having children, saying, “White people’s birth rates are going down … because they literally cannot afford to put their children, newer generations, into the middle class … It’s super perverse, and also they kind of deserve it.”
Cooper also said that she wants to say, “We gotta take these motherf*****s out,” but that she can’t because “I don’t believe in a project of violence” and that “our souls would suffer” from doing so.
“I think that white people are committed to being villains in the aggregate,” she said.
The Root Institute’s description of the session says that Cooper “notes that, contrary to what history-challenged white supremacists would have us believe, children are quite capable of understanding the concepts behind the theory.”
Despite the description, Harriot said that “no one is applying critical race theory to sixth graders in Iowa, because that’s not how critical race theory works,” before adding that doing so would be like trying to “teach a little league soccer team how to run a major league offense.”
Cooper can be seen nodding along to Harriot’s comments.

10-27-21, 03:01 PM
I wonder how many Civil War Yankees ( if they could see America now) would think they got it wrong.....blacks can say what they want about Whites. They can call us anything can care to. They can talk about our kids, our Grand Parents and Ancestors. However, if we even mention anything in reference to their race, we get Crucified. I'm so damn sick of all this black bullshet. I think they have pushed us far enough....

10-28-21, 06:15 AM
Blacks can say what they want about Whites,
call us anything they care to.

Talk about our kids, o
Our Grand Parents
and Ancestors.

if we even mention anything in reference to their race,
we get Crucified.

I'm so damn sick of all this black bullshet.

I think they have pushed us far enough....


You didn't learn to walk by watching a chicken.

10-28-21, 08:52 AM
Afraid we're gonna have to get used to Black racism against Whites because it's just getting worse and it ain't going away anytime soon. They get everything they want--and more--and they're never satisfied.

These radical Blacks and "progressives" and White Leftists are determined to get revenge for slavery on innocent folks who had nothing to do with it. Sometimes I think we need another bloody civil war to sort things out.

10-28-21, 09:09 AM
This is what "DIVISION" is all about, keep all of us fighting ourselves and nothing will get accomplished...

"A house Divided"...

All started with the controlled election of the left...


10-28-21, 09:17 AM
Down here in SW Florida we have very few blackist as well as very few crimes being committed. But we do have our problems with all the northern folks with their liberal ideas. Thankfully we out number them. Down here I can ride my Indian with my 45 on my hip, with or without a helmet, and I can go into any store, restaurant, or other business without a mask. The free state of Florida is great and life is good.

10-28-21, 12:28 PM
double standards in play as always

Cpl Keller
10-28-21, 01:48 PM
This is what "DIVISION" is all about, keep all of us fighting ourselves and nothing will get accomplished...

"A house Divided"...


I admire Florida's governor more and more with each new announcement he makes. Did you guys see that he's offering to hire law enforcement officers who are willing to relocate from other states who resigned or got fired for not getting the vax? And giving them a 5k bonus.

Now he just needs to ban all quackzine mandates like the governors of Montana and Texas have done.