View Full Version : Marine Commander releived of duty, for having balls......

08-28-21, 05:17 AM
&lt;header class=&quot;caas-header&quot;&gt; <br />
&lt;header class=&quot;caas-title-wrapper&quot;&gt;Marine Battalion Commander Relieved of Duties after Calling Out Military Leaders over Afghanistan Chaos&lt;/header&gt;&lt;/header&gt;&lt;svg...

08-28-21, 09:26 AM
And he knew he was sinking what's left of his career, but spoke out anyway. SF to the LtCol!

He'll be all right, they'll have him riding a desk for his last three years which sucks, but I expect they'll let him finish his 20. If they don't, then there's even more wrong than he was trying to point out!

08-28-21, 11:22 AM
(he knew he was sinking what's left of his career,

but spoke out anyway.

SF to the LtCol!)

He'll be all right, they'll have him riding a desk for his last three years which sucks, but I expect they'll let him finish his 20. If they don't, then there's even more wrong than he was trying to point out!

"SemperFi to the
Lt Colonel "

Balls said the queen -
IF i had two -
I'd be king ......

08-28-21, 01:43 PM
if he only has 17 years, he's NOT guaranteed his retirement they can discharge him before he hits 18 and he gets ZERO...NADA...ZIPPO... this guy has balls the size of SATURN... and I truly wish him...

Cpl Keller
08-28-21, 02:03 PM
He's a true Marine who hasn't forgotten that honor and integrity are more important than a pension and "protocol", especially in this PC infested culture.
Hopefully at the least he gets a book deal out of this, and makes some $$ to offset what will probably be taken away from him by the military.

08-28-21, 02:07 PM
AND a 100% disability rating by the VA....!!!!

08-29-21, 08:08 PM
LT. COL. Scheller has resigned on his youtube channel . Please watch this before it gets taken down. Bill

08-30-21, 05:31 AM
Well Brothers, we know where to look for a real Marine Officer to lead us, when the SHET hits the fan......just saying.....

08-30-21, 08:03 AM
I'm not worried about Lt Col Scheller's future. A man with this much courage, honor and integrity will be sought after by any number of firms or organizations.

And he hit every nail on the head, particularly with regard to bugging out of Bagram with our CAS assets before beginning evacuations.

Cpl Keller
08-30-21, 08:20 AM
I'm not worried about Lt Col Scheller's future.

We should all be worried for him.
Someone in his position, who knows what he knows and is willing to speak out about it is a good candidate for "suicide".

Never underestimate the evil lengths people will go to in order to try and cover their azzes.

Having said that, I hope Lt Col Scheller is the first card to bring the whole house of cards crumbling down.

08-30-21, 02:20 PM
I'm worried about the LtCol after watching his second video. He looks and sounds like he's heading down into a dark, bad place mentally. I hope the Devil Dog gets some help.

08-30-21, 03:21 PM
No matter what happens, he has all my respect and Honor......

09-17-21, 03:12 PM
We all know the regs. on this . It was not so much the statements he made but where and how he did it . Any Marine at any Rank has the right to Question command as to a policy and orders that end in death or harm over incompetence . There is regulations to allow you to express your concerns through internal procedures under the UCMJ . The decision he made was not acceptable to go to external open media . He knew this but as he said he was willing to sacrifice his career which he clearly did . I under stand his reasons and I respect him for it and support him but this type thing cannot be put out to the public . This is why they internal channels to cover what was wrong and who is to be accountable and responsible for any actions . The entire chain of command needs to hold an investigation in the chain of command clear up to and including the Commander and Chief and then the truth be known and the responsible need to be held accountable . If not our regulations and laws mean nothing . Any war and any lose of life is terrible but this is the nature of war it does not make it acceptable because some body up the chain of command continuously makes mistakes . We serve and except we could die but we are no Americas sacrificial Lambs . And we sure do not want to look as if we are just numbers to keep throwing out their with out having a clear logistics in place plan to over come:flag: what we are put up against . SemperFi Wish Him Well !

09-17-21, 06:38 PM
those "internal procedures" worked really well for Bill Calley now didn't they... he bit the weenie in Leavenworth, and the guy that gave him the orders got another star... my hat is off to the Lt. Col...

09-18-21, 03:20 PM
The reason the Lt. Col did it the way he did is because he knew damn well there would be absolutely NO impartial investigation, if any at all....he is a true American Patriot.

Cpl Keller
09-20-21, 05:18 PM
I agree with Billy- going public was the only way to draw real attention to the issue. Had he gone through the "proper procedures", he would have been just wasting his time.

Cpl Keller
10-15-21, 01:46 PM
He got off with a slap on the wrist, as he should have.


10-15-21, 02:41 PM
He got off with a slap on the wrist, as he should have.


This will pizz off those Liberal azzwipes.....