View Full Version : The Taliban Will Soon Have Complete Control Of Afghanistan Again

Cpl Keller
08-13-21, 04:52 PM
As they take city after city (or province, whatever they're called over there), it's just about inevitable.
Most of the people who served over there have been saying the same thing for years- once the US leaves, the Taliban take back control.

RIP to all the men and women who paid the ultimate price for what seems more and more like another war of futility.

08-14-21, 08:49 AM
As they have done for centuries...

Afghanistan, The Destroyer of Nations... Since the beginning of time...

08-14-21, 03:07 PM
People are stupid when it comes to History. Most people don't know anything about History past the year they were born. The Countries of the Middle East have been fighting and killing each other since time began.

08-14-21, 06:17 PM
Talliban captured 100 military humvees we left and some Eagle Scout drones along with other military equipment. They’ve estimated the US has lost over 1 billion dollars in military hardware since they have been re taking Afghan.

Basically Biden has armed them to the teeth with civilized equipment. GOOD JOB biden!!!

08-15-21, 07:46 AM
Back in the day in the Nam, we called the head of our enemy Uncle Ho. He was a worthy opponent.

Today, the head of our enemy is uncle joe. He is not a worthy opponent because he has no values or a plan of his own other than defeating our great nation.

08-15-21, 08:39 AM
Just seen reports Taliban have Kabul surrounded and they now as of Aug 15, 2021 starting to evacuate diplomats using helicopters, it looks like the 1975 fall of Saigon.

08-15-21, 10:34 AM

08-15-21, 11:56 AM
New orders in Kabul are for all civilians to shelter in place, the airport is taking fire. Looks like it getting worse folks.

08-15-21, 03:22 PM
They have called for an unconditional surrender. One thing that will come out of this is....the other Countries around the World will see how Spastic and unworthy America has become in such a short time.....Our Character has turned into so much SHET....

08-15-21, 03:37 PM
20 years of once again Political stupidity... <br />
<br />
15 years and countless amounts of money &quot;Training&quot; local's to protect their own country - Utter Failure in just a couple of days... <br />
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Our &quot;Woke&quot;...

Cpl Keller
08-16-21, 09:07 AM
Well armed Taliban fighters who hate America combined with Biden's "open border". policy that's allowing illegal immigrants to pour into the country- what could possibly go wrong?

08-17-21, 05:13 AM
Here's the truth, Brothers......a whole shet-pot of the so called well equipped, highly trained, and loyal Afgan fighters are COWARDS. The moment the Taliban started their take over, these azzwipes traded their military uniform for goat rags and a turban. They will be loyal Taliban fighters until the situation changes...if it ever does.

08-17-21, 09:11 AM
"Deja-Vu" all over again, the writing was on the wall the entire time...

08-17-21, 03:08 PM
I just showed my wife an article, it had school age children between ages 5 to 8 years old showing up to school with their backpacks and school books in Afghanistan. The school was closed because of security concerns but the little boys and girls showed up anyway. In the article it showed the little boys waving goodbye to the little girls as the little girls were being led away. The article stated now that the Taliban is back in control girls are not allowed to be educated . My wife being a elementary school teacher this made her very upset .

I hope America takes notice of this and realize just how lucky we really are, and no we are not a racist country .

08-18-21, 03:19 PM
Eric, we may be lucky to live in America, but, America as we knew it is lost. Our Children are suffering also. They are the innocent Ginny pigs of the radical left and Big Government. They are being taught immoral and traitorous actions are the right thing to do, say, and put into action.http://www.leatherneck.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=34216&stc=1

08-19-21, 02:24 PM
The woke agenda hasn’t came to my wife’s little country school she works at just yet. She and I have talked about it we believe they will 1st start in bigger areas, such as, bigger towns and cities. A lot of parents are fighting back against the woke agenda in these areas which is a sign of hope. One of our local schools (Science Hill) made the national news about rejecting mask mandates. Mostly they were being made fun of because the parents protesting, had misspelled signs, not a great moment. Just glad I don’t live in a big city with all the woke policies.

08-19-21, 08:17 PM
No worries…when all that stuff breaks down there will be no one to fix them.

08-19-21, 08:19 PM
The woke who wear masks and take the jab will outlive those still asleep at the wheel of their own brain…..

08-20-21, 07:04 AM
Not much woke down here in the FREE state of Florida. Kids are all in school with no masks. However, looks like Tampa will be the exception soon.

08-20-21, 03:40 PM
Thing is.....you have a 99% recovery rate if you catch it. Many people have really mild symptoms, some none at all. But, the MSM makes sure you only hear about those who die with it. You have a lot bigger risk of dying from a car wreck or accident, than with the virus. Just wait until the mid-term election Virus gets here. It will be so bad that the Liberal Government will pass a law that everyone will have to vote by mail in ballots. We know what that means.....

08-24-21, 08:27 AM
At least we’re not Australia, I believe there experimenting with Marshall law , testing the waters on kick back from the population. After seeing Australia I do wonder if they’ll try Marshal law in a major US city like Chicago(Chiraq).

Cpl Keller
08-24-21, 04:45 PM
Make no mistake- the entire world is watching Australia to see how much they can get away with.

Never give up your guns.