View Full Version : I Love living in a State with "BALLS" they want to keep......

05-20-21, 04:47 AM
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Chuck Lindell<time class="" datetime="2021-05-19T13:13:24.000Z">Wed, May 19, 2021, 8:13 AM</time>·3 min read

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<figcaption class="caption-collapse collapsed" style="max-width: 960px; height: 57px;" data-id="m-0">Transgender youth, parents and several Democratic lawmakers rally at the south steps of the Texas Capitol on Wednesday evening, criticizing several anti-LGBTQ bills winding their way through the 87th Legislature. </figcaption>
AUSTIN. Texas — After debating the meaning of God's love, the Texas Senate voted along party lines to give final approval Tuesday to a bill that would ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender Texans (https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2021/05/17/texas-senate-tries-again-ban-gender-affirming-care-transgender-youths/5130573001/) who are 17 and younger.
The 18-13 vote sent Senate Bill 1311 to the House, which has one week to vote on the measure, and it came one day after the Senate gave initial approval to the bill, also with all Republicans in favor and all Democrats opposed.
Sen. Beverly Powell, D-Burleson, opened Tuesday's debate by noting that religion played a role in the previous day's discussion of SB 1311.
"I'm concerned, and I don't want to let this go without saying, that transgender people will hear this argument and will conclude there is no place for them in the church, or worse that God doesn't love them exactly as they are," she said.
[B]Related: President Biden addresses transgender Americans

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More: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott bans public schools, local officials from requiring masks (https://www.statesman.com/story/news/coronavirus/2021/05/18/texas-governor-abbott-bans-public-schools-local-officials-requiring-masks/5149412001/)
Powell added that, as a Christian, she opposes SB 1311.
"I want all Texans to know today that there are people of faith in this Senate chamber who believe that God loves them exactly as they are and who welcome them into the community of faith exactly as they are," Powell said. "Jesus told us to love one another, and he did not place conditions on that love."
Sen. Kelly Hancock, R-North Richland Hills, spoke next, saying he too believes God loves transgender Texans, but he added that "man should not go and change" God's creation with surgery, hormone therapy or puberty blockers that would be banned if SB 1311 became law.
"God created man, woman as we are, and the most important thing to understand is we are loved in that way, as he made us," Hancock said.
"He created us, and he did not make a mistake when he created us, and therefore his love is shared among those just as he created us, and I think that's what this bill seeks to recognize," Hancock added.
More: Abbott cancels federal pandemic assistance for unemployed Texans (https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2021/05/17/texas-governor-greg-abbott-cancels-federal-jobless-assistance-cares-act/5136061001/)
Sen. Bob Hall, an Edgewood Republican and author of SB 1311, agreed with Hancock, saying that "God created these children" and to allow their bodies to be changed would be a sign of "disrespect to God and what he created."
Powell said she saw nobility in young transgender Texans becoming the person God created them to be. Hancock and Hall saw it differently.
"If they choose to do this later in life after they turn 18, that is their choice," Hall said, adding that he believes many transgender youths change their minds about transitioning upon reaching puberty. "That's what this bill simply does. It says, keep your hands off, let God work, and God has a plan."
Hancock said, "If I had to choose who's going to make a mistake, man or God, my God makes no mistakes, and he didn't do that from birth or anytime beyond that."
More: Prosecutors urge appeals court to end delay in Ken Paxton criminal case (https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2021/05/18/ken-paxton-attorney-general-prosecutos-urge-ending-delay-criminal-case/5144538001/)
Under SB 1311, doctors who provide gender-affirming care would lose their medical license. The bill also would prohibit liability insurance coverage for banned treatments.
Hall's legislation faces an uncertain future in the House, where two other Senate-passed bills directed at transgender youths have thus far faltered.
One measure, SB 1646 by Sen. Charles Perry, R-Lubbock, would classify puberty blockers, hormone therapy or surgery as child abuse if provided to a transgender Texan under age 18.
Another, SB 29, also by Perry, would require athletes in Texas public high schools and grade schools to compete in sports based on the "biological sex" listed on their original birth certificate. Under that definition, biological boys would be banned from competing in girls sports, although girls could compete in boys sports if a comparable female sport was not available.
This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: After debating theology, Senate OKs gender-care ban for young Texans (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/05/19/after-debating-theology-senate-oks-gender-care-ban-young-texans/5161989001/)

05-20-21, 07:37 AM
Better keep track on those "border crossers", and not just the ones from Mexico, Billy, or your state will find itself becoming another liberal thinking haven. Places that are strongly conservative appear to be targeted by the libs for "conversion"...

05-21-21, 05:50 AM
Thing is, William.....those Liberals coming to Texas are not accustomed to being the low minority. They find it terrifying living in a place where Conservatives fight back with vengeance. They seem to fizz out when they are out-numbered. Also, they love it that it costs 1/2 as much to live here with few regulations and no State income tax......just saying....

05-30-21, 11:22 PM
I’m surprised transgender folk had the balls (or lack there of) to try and pull this in Texas. They voted it down but I wonder if if they knew this would happen and are using it as a testing gauge.
They will fill up your state with liberal refugees and try again in a few years to see how far the needle has me moved. If they can change up Texas they know they’ll e able to change any state using the liberal refugee migration technique.
This is very similar to what is happening in Florida with all the people retiring there from Lib blue states. I wish both states the best of luck.

05-31-21, 06:33 AM
Welcome aboard, Eric. In true LN tradition we like to "Vet" new members. We would like to know if you are a "Panty Sniffer". If so, do you prefer the mild stink aroma......the squished face aroma.....or the very popular, warmed up death aroma. But wait........by becoming a member of LN, you qualify for our Grunt Special which includes a pair of skid marked, yeast infected, blood stained Panties. They come in special aromas ......"Decomposed Ecstasy", "Are you Shetting Me", "Please Cut my Nose Off", and " Acute Nausea". Eric, please use the Promo code "69" when ordering.....

05-31-21, 09:42 AM
Billy Mongoose -
I hear-
This year you "TEXACANS" spend most the time it isn't raining , -
to mowing your lawns ........

​*GOD bless Texas

05-31-21, 02:40 PM
Ed, I got it covered Brother.....I just attached the boat motor to my mower. I can now mow while it's raining......