View Full Version : Tennessee Bill Will Make Blocking A Highway A Felony Offense

Cpl Keller
03-07-21, 09:31 AM
And drivers will not be liable if they hit "protestors" while trying to get away from violent mobs.
This is the kind of thing we need to see more of. Let's hope it passes, and more states follow their lead.
Full article:

tell-your-legislatures-to-adopt-this-tennessee-bill-that-makes-blocking-a-highway-a-felony-offense (https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/2021/03/tell-your-legislatures-to-adopt-this-tennessee-bill-that-makes-blocking-a-highway-a-felony-offense)

03-07-21, 09:38 AM
I won't be holding my breathe on this one, will wait and see how the first citation and test is run...

But, on the bright side, at least someone is headed in the right direction...

03-07-21, 09:57 AM
In the FREE state of Florida our Governor proposed a similar bill last September. It doesn't look like it's been passed yet though.

Zulu 36
03-07-21, 01:21 PM
Russ, no it hasn't passed yet. However, most protestors stopped playing in the roadways when the police got aggressive with arrests. Here in the Orlando area anyway.

03-08-21, 03:15 PM
Here in Texas our Attorney General discourages people from running over protesters. He has stated that any dents or scratches on your vehicle could cause your auto Ins. to go up. He stated that stopping and then shooting them would be cheaper. He said it would also be helpful to the Police by making the protesters disperse. Also, if you make below $40,000 a year, the state will reimburse you for the price of the ammo you use.

Cpl Keller
03-09-21, 08:43 AM
Texas is sounding better and better to me all the time.