View Full Version : Swimming in a civilian pool
06-04-17, 01:03 PM
So I am currently going on leave for a month and this presents a small issue for me. I have been swimming in full cammies nearly daily because I am trying to lat-move to recon. Over leave, are there any options for wearing cammies in the pool? If not, what could I purchase that would emulate full cammies?
Thankyou in advance devils.
06-04-17, 08:03 PM
Dude, bro, if it's that important that you practice swimming wearing utilities, just wear cargo pants and a long sleeve shirt in the civvie pool.
The fact that you couldnt come up with that idea yourself makes makes me wonder if you have the mental capacity to function on your own in life, let alone in the recon community lol
06-04-17, 09:39 PM
So I am currently going on leave for a month and this presents a small issue for me. I have been swimming in full cammies nearly daily because I am trying to lat-move to recon. Over leave, are there any options for wearing cammies in the pool? If not, what could I purchase that would emulate full cammies?
Thankyou in advance devils.
What is your MOS now I see your station at Cherry Point,N.C. That my friend is a sweet duty station you need to consider what your P.T. Scores are like, your pro and cons marks and if there not above the board you might fall before you can enter...Just consider what you have and what you might end up with..