View Full Version : Poolee with a couple questions

10-12-15, 10:55 PM
Hey everyone! I'm a new poolee shipping out next year june, and I've really got some concerns about me going to boot camp.

1) I can do about 12 pull ups with no problem usually but i mostly screw myself over and don't fully drop and forget to come all the way down. Anyway to get yourself into that habit? I've been doing pull ups everyday and when i go into my RS STILL FORGET to come all the way down

2) I cannot swim. I was told if i cant swim I'd be dropped back to the next platoon until i can get it together. But i have no one to teach me where i live.

3) I picked admin as a Job. Any admins here to walk me thru the basics of what happens after boot if I do graduate?

10-13-15, 08:36 AM
Worry about learning to swim first then go to Boot camp and Graduate Boot Camp then ask your question upon receiving your orders..
First and remember every Marine is a 0311 primary MOS and others MOS's are secondary

10-29-15, 11:21 AM
Don't worry about how many pull ups you can do right now. You will run an IST the Friday after you get to boot and all you have to worry about is passing unless you're really motivated and want to be guide/squad leader which I would recommend. The way it worked in my platoon as far as how they picked the initial guide and squad leaders were run times/pull ups among other things. I say not to worry about 12 pulls up at the moment because by the time you run your final PFT in boot you will have no problem doing 20 pull ups. You will do pulls up after every chow, at least that's how we did it. And trust me your drill instructors will make sure you get plenty of exercise (quarterdeck).
And as the above Marine stated work on swimming. You have plenty of time to prepare for that, swim qual isn't as hard as you think. I know your anxious about shipping out, but you will be fine once you get to boot. Stop worrying about your MOS training as well, you're not even a Marine yet. I don't mean that in a demeaning manner. Focus on what you need to do to get prepared to ship out then worry about boot camp. You'll be headed to MCT after you graduate boot then on to your MOS school. Trust me they will let you know everything you need to. Anyway, long block of text but hope that helps.