View Full Version : Prior injury. Worried about boot camp.

09-13-15, 11:09 AM
So I am a Poolee and I have a prior knee injury from high school that has recently started to bother me. I train in CrossFit and it's been fine until now. I ship in February and was just wondering how worried I should be with my knee in boot camp? I know the humps and PT is tough, but that a lot of it is mental. I'm prepared to do whatever I have to do to ensure I make it through because failure is not an option. Just looking for some advice on the issue

09-13-15, 01:31 PM
Stop doing CrossFit....that's probably the reason for your knee bothering you again anyway

09-13-15, 01:37 PM
I don't feel like CrossFit is the issue because even if I did conventional movements at a golds gym or something I would still be squatting, etc which in turn would irritate it. And it's because there is a cyst that the doctor said "was fine", but now bothers me at times.

Tennessee Top
09-13-15, 02:49 PM
It's a gamble. And remember, ITB/MCT after bootcamp is actually harder (humps are longer and combat loads heavier). Lima Company at the School of Infantry stays full with injured Marines and some do...

09-13-15, 03:06 PM
Thanks Tennessee Top. My recruiter knows all about it and I plan to see a doctor once I move home to get an accurate diagnosis. I just hope it's something simple that won't affect leaving for boot camp because like I said it's the only goal right now. I know boot camp and training afterwards is beyond tough mentally and physically, I am just looking for any insight I can get. So I appreciate the reply.

09-13-15, 09:50 PM
STOP DOING CROSSh!T. That "workout regiment" is terrible on the joints. Doing Olympic Lifts with little to no prior training for time and reps. Seems like a great idea, what could go wrong?? Jesus I hate Cultfit. Seriously, fall back on the PT until you ship. Throw in some pullups, pushups, and short runs, but for the Love of God, stop doing Crapfit.

09-13-15, 10:19 PM
STOP DOING CROSSh!T. That "workout regiment" is terrible on the joints. Doing Olympic Lifts with little to no prior training for time and reps. Seems like a great idea, what could go wrong?? Jesus I hate Cultfit. Seriously, fall back on the PT until you ship. Throw in some pullups, pushups, and short runs, but for the Love of God, stop doing Crapfit.

this!!.....exactly what I was getting at before