View Full Version : Does MEPS test for steroids?

06-01-15, 01:12 AM
Okay guys let's be realistic, I've been a bodybuilder for quite some time now and I am currently running a cycle of steroids. I am not huge and not running crazy cycles but merely using it for bodybuilding. This post isn't about judging what I do for a living and hobbies but rather will meps be testing for steroids. I've heard yes and no from various people. Most say no because it is too expensive to test everyone for steroids during meps. I am signing a recon contract so I hope that shows my dedication yo the USMC. I am looking at a career in military and yes I am going to stop using steroids after my competition in august but I go to meps on June 8 and need to know if I'm clear or not.

06-01-15, 02:29 AM
^troll alert !

Phantom Blooper
06-01-15, 03:43 AM
I don't think he is a troll....but I still think he is arrogant and is going to have a hard road to hoe....in the military.

Here is that answer to your question.......And before you read you must tell or you can be had for fraudulent enlistment.....

Anabolic Steroid Use. Any applicant admitting steroid use within the previous 2 months is not enlistment eligible. The Chief Medical Officer at MEPS may consider waivers on an individual case basis after attaining internal medicine consultation or appropriate history. If a waiver is recommended, request must be forwarded to CHBUMED (Code 25) via CNRC (334). Send the following test results for waiver consideration: (1) microscopic urinalysis and (2) liver function study. Dosage strength of steroids used must also be documented. Use of steroids longer than 2 months before applying for enlistment is not medically disqualifying; however, any indication of high steroid dosage and/or chronic use must have internal medicine consultation to evaluate late or residual steroid effects.

06-01-15, 05:30 AM
The Angel already had one thread closed, let's see how this one goes. Luckily, MEPS does not test for narcissism.

Tennessee Top
06-01-15, 10:20 AM
FYI. "Residual Steroid Effects" could be steroid-induced diabetes (steroids typically raise one's blood glucose to dangerous levels). Expect your blood sugar to be elevated when MEPS does your blood test (which may alert them to steroid use if you don't say anything). Diabetes IS a chronic disease and therefore an automatic disqualifier. Keep taking those steroids as long as you're not concerned about Type II diabetes.

06-01-15, 02:31 PM
Troll post. Some bored LCpl on duty.

06-01-15, 03:39 PM
Is this guy serious? cant be...

USMC 2571
06-01-15, 06:13 PM
He had another thread, his very first, closed by Zulu 36 just last week. Take a look.
He may be a bored Marine out on watch, who knows. But remarkable patience was shown to him on that prior occasion. Let's see if he remembers last week's lesson.

Good job by Chuck outlining those MEPS requirements, and good points by Tennessee Top.

USMC 2571
06-01-15, 06:16 PM
In my day I think MEPS was included in the AFEES, Armed Forces Examination Station? Not 100% sure.

Old Marine
06-01-15, 08:54 PM
After reading the thread that was closed I believe that he has the wrong screen name. It should be A. Murphy. After all where else can you find someone who can kill dove's at 100 yards with a Daisy BB gun. That is a long way for a BB gun and I call BS on his claim. That is as far as I read that thread. This guy sounds to me like he would last about 10 seconds on training day one in Recruit Training and someone would tighten him up. It would be a dirty shame for some career Marine to end up in trouble over a dirt bag.

06-02-15, 12:41 AM
I call BS on OP and his question but to answer it......Yes, at MEPS they do blood tests(not for steroids specifically but they will know based on specific levels of certain things). Not once you're in the though, the test itself is expensive and can't afford to test everyone for it like they do drugs(pi$$ test).

Phantom Blooper
06-02-15, 09:08 AM
Doesn't steroids make a persons nuts shrink? This maybe the problem here.........