View Full Version : Medical Waiver required, recruiter keeps postponing physical

05-05-15, 04:29 AM
Hi all,

I have a medical waiver for ADHD that I previously needed last time I tried enlisting with a GED. Long story short slots for GEDs filled up and I ended up spending these last 2 and a half years working and going to Adult Ed to obtain my high school diploma.

The first time I went to Meps I disclosed my previous history with ADHD that included me taking ritalin for about a week when I was 14. I had to pull those old medical records and had to get a letter from my current physician stating I was no longer on meds.

By the time I got all that sorted the slots filled up and I needed either 15 college credits or a HS Diploma.

Now I finally obtained my diploma and I'm starting my process all over again. I disclosed all this information to my current recruiter and I felt this was a bit of a buzzkill for him. He took about 2 weeks to schedule me for an ASVAB and now he said I have to wait another week or so to takey physical exam before applying for the waivers again.

I do feel I'm not being valued as much as previously, and I'm curious to know why he's stalling and dodging me? I understand at this point I can't switch recruiters and I feel helpless as to why it's so hard to communicate with him.

Is he perhaps aware of the fact that my waiver will get denied or something? or is he just prioritizing other potential poolees over me?

Theres currently one slot left for Infantry in September and a few left for November and December and I'm trying to DEP as soon as possible. Any suggestions?

Thank you for your time, patience and service.

Tennessee Top
05-05-15, 11:55 AM
Not a recruiter but I imagine his priority is working the applicants not requiring waivers first (less paperwork obviously). Depending on how badly he needs to meet mission (numbers), he may get around to you eventually, and he may not - he holds all the cards. You have to decide how persistant you want to be with the recruiter (without losing contact completely).

USMC 2571
05-05-15, 01:18 PM
You had to do this and that, and you did. Now he scheduled you for one thing 2 weeks from now and another thing one week from now. All the other time was you getting documentation etc. Sounds like he's moving on it rather quickly, now that he has the things you were supposed to get. Maybe you're like a large percentage of people nowadays that want things done very quickly and to their exact specifications---this is very common nowadays.

USMC 2571
05-05-15, 01:53 PM
Let me back up a little bit---I'm not trying to be unduly harsh. What I'm saying is that these long delays were because of documentation you had to get, and then the school part of it, so when you say he scheduled you for 2 weeks for one thing then 1 week for another thing, that sounds pretty fast to me.....I disagree with this stuff of having something for a week when someone was a kid, then having to get all this documentation, but that's the way they do it nowadays. Much ado about nothing, sometimes. Good luck to you. Maybe you're finally almost ready to be able to join up. Keep us posted on this same thread.

05-05-15, 02:29 PM
No worries, I'm sure learning to take in the harsh reality now will be beneficial for me later on down the line. I appreciate your response.

I got an update today from the SNCOIC stating that they indeed need to reach their mission until they can submit me.

The main thing that's nerve wrecking is the difficulty to obtain an infantry MOS as it is, ontop of that having to wait for others to process and potentially taking up the remaining slots. But I'll remain motivated.

USMC 2571
05-05-15, 02:38 PM
It's tough waiting for things to happen, that's for sure. Keep us updated on this very same thread.

Tennessee Top
05-05-15, 06:42 PM
There are always more poolees wanting infantry contracts than there are available infantry contracts (that never changes). Somebody is going to be left out in the cold. Good idea to have plans B and C when opportunities present themselves. You may need to make a hasty decision or lose out.