View Full Version : Is anyone here in a Logistics Company/Unit?

04-17-15, 01:36 PM
Hello Marines! Sorry for two posts in one day but I have a question. In my state (NC) and surrounding states, we only have a Logistics Company and a few Aviation companies for the reservists (I have heard of a Rifle Company in Tennessee but I can't find it). I'm not really keen on airplanes and choppers so for me that only really leaves the Logistics Company. I read on the USMC website it is mainly building,supplying,and moving supplies on the base. But I would like to hear from a Marine that actually has this job and how they feel about it.

Thanks in advance for replies)

04-17-15, 01:39 PM
Forgot to add, The Unit I want to join is a "combat" logistics unit. what is the difference between combat logistics and plain logistics?

04-17-15, 03:00 PM
your last name on your profile given as wouldntyliketoknow does not bode well at all

04-17-15, 03:07 PM
@joseywales, sorry Lol, I will change it to normal, I used my full name on other sites and it did not end well so I was nervous to use it here. But this site seems safe enough

04-18-15, 07:05 AM
Im not in a logistics field but here is what i know about that which isnt a whole lot. Combat logistics doesnt mean you are killing guys by kicking boxes at them. in the logistics field you are in...