View Full Version : Please read, any advise is appreciated.

02-26-15, 07:12 PM
So while I was in L.A. for school I was thinking about joining the Marines. When I found out I wouldn't be getting any financial aid I had to drop out and I didn't know what the heck I would do now that I wasn't going to school or playing basketball. So I started to look for work which was nearly impossible for someone with zero experience. After a while I went back to the idea of joining and after some encouragement from my aunt I contacted a recruiter. Sergeant Evan Barragan was amazing, he made me feel really comfortable and at ease. Now the main problem I had was being overweight, I was 5'4 at 170 lbs of Polynesian meat. So the process of weight loss started. I was really surprised that he allowed me to workout with his poolees and super excited to get to work and getting started on my journey to be someone better. But then my dad got diagnosed with cancer and I decided to come back home to Hawaii to help with the bills and such. That was about 3 years ago and I am still working to this day and helping out. Although my dad is a bit better I still haven't given up my goal to join. Now the big negative is my weight once again only I am at 190, yes I know really really reallyyyyyy overweight.

But I didn't let that stop me the first time, so I started running and dropped couple pounds. It wasn't enough so I am asking if there is anything else I could do besides eating healthy and running.

Also if every recruitment station offers to help with the weight loss process or was that only in L.A.?

Thanks for reading my life story (sorry bout that btw) and once again any advise whether it's positive or negative is welcome.

02-26-15, 07:47 PM
Any recruiting station should be ok with you coming and joining the pool functions, just go talk with the local office.

Running only burns so many calories, once your hear rate settles you kinda peak with the calorie burn. You need to incorporate some weights and strength training, which if done correctly will burn more fat/calories than running ever will....low weight/high reps. It may get kinda boring but stick to eating stuff like grilled chicken and steamed veggies and the weight will drop...quickly!

02-26-15, 08:05 PM
Will do, I want to drop couple more pounds and lose some minutes on my 1.5 mile before I go to the recruiting office so I don't look like an elephant trying to be a cheetah.

And yes I been eating chicken and other proteins. Just not steamed veggies, gotta hit the grocery store!

Also with the weights and strength training, do you have any workouts I can do?

02-26-15, 08:40 PM
Will do, I want to drop couple more pounds and lose some minutes on my 1.5 mile before I go to the recruiting office so I don't look like an elephant trying to be a cheetah.

And yes I been eating chicken and other proteins. Just not steamed veggies, gotta hit the grocery store!

Also with the weights and strength training, do you have any workouts I can do?

nothing in particular no.. just get into a normal chest/tricep, back/bicep, shoulders, and legs routine...each having their own day of course. compound lifts like dead lifts and squats will give you a good burn, just be sure to use proper form and low weight so you don't hurt yourself.

Oh! and drink alot of water....no soda!!

Tennessee Top
02-26-15, 09:24 PM
You are also fighting the battle of genetics which is a big disadvantage for you. Just means you'll have to be even more determined than the average individual. Good luck to you.

02-26-15, 09:58 PM
Okay, I'll do that. So like Monday, Wednesday and Friday I can focus on my lower body with squats, lunges etc. And Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday upper body excercises?

Water is my new best friend!
I don't run everyday, should I change that?

02-26-15, 10:01 PM
You are also fighting the battle of genetics which is a big disadvantage for you. Just means you'll have to be even more determined than the average individual. Good luck to you.

Yes that's true, my family is big boned so its hard but I am determined. Thank you

02-27-15, 10:11 AM
I can only speak for myself and my station, while it's mandatory for our poolees to attend one pool function a week and to attend the IST one weekend a month, we allow anyone that is interested to come to our pool functions whether they're over weight, under weight or right on track.

02-27-15, 01:26 PM
And I believe the USMC is the only branch that does that, I've talked to other branches and they all said something like "sorry you're overweight, drop the pounds then you call us back" it's very discouraging. I mean if I can't pass the height and weight requirements for those branches, what makes me think I can even think I can be one of The Few and The Proud? And I'm not trying to sound whiney or anything but after hearing that from all the other branches I am really hesitant to even attempt to contact a recruiter. I know recruiters are extremely busy so I wanted to hold off a little bit, drop the weight so it doesn't seem like I'm wasting their time. That's why I was wondering if all USMC recruiting stations let people join the pool functions, but your reply soothe my nerves a bit,thanks

02-27-15, 06:01 PM
Okay, I'll do that. So like Monday, Wednesday and Friday I can focus on my lower body with squats, lunges etc. And Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday upper body excercises?

Water is my new best friend!
I don't run everyday, should I change that?

yeah whatever works for you really

Chest/tricep on Monday
Back/bicep Tuesday
Shoulders Wednesday
Legs on Thursday
Off on Friday
Chest/tricep Saturday
Back/bicep Sunday
So on and so forth...

NO DO NOT RUN EVERY DAY!....Your day off after Legs would be a good day to do a light 2-3 mile jog to loosen up your legs. And then 2 other days in there somewhere. Be sure to incorporate short interval sprints and long distance in there

02-27-15, 07:47 PM
Right got it, I'll fix a schedule up and get to work. Hopefully this'll get more results quicker! Thank you once again!!

Tennessee Top
02-27-15, 08:42 PM
Don't over do it. I know you want to see quick results but if you injure yourself you'll set yourself back and have to rehab. Be smart. Listen to your body. There is good pain and bad pain (bad pain means something is wrong and you need to stop before doing more damage).

02-28-15, 11:47 AM
I won't, I learned that the hard way unfortunately but I understand.

Really off topic, but I was reading a thread by a Matt C. and a comment from USMCARivera caught my eye, he stated that he isn't taking recruits that require waivers more than surgeries and small things. Is that all recruiters?

USMC 2571
02-28-15, 01:10 PM
Make sure you PM USMCARivera in case he doesn't wander back in here. Unfortunately for a lot of folks, these days the climate is different as far as getting in the Corps is concerned. With the current reduction in force, there are many more applicants than spaces. This means recruiters can afford to be, and are, selective. Why bother with waivers when they have plenty of applicants who don't require waivers for anything?? This is the unfortunate state of things. In my era, you could join up with little or no problem. There was always room for one more body. And you could PLAN on staying in for 20 years, absent any problems. But all that's changed. Good luck to you, but have Plan B ready, i.e. other branches checked out, just in case. Keep us up to date here on your situation. Just find this thread, which will quickly drop out of sight, and post on it with updates. Hang in there.

02-28-15, 02:51 PM
I won't, I learned that the hard way unfortunately but I understand.

Really off topic, but I was reading a thread by a Matt C. and a comment from USMCARivera caught my eye, he stated that he isn't taking recruits that require waivers more than surgeries and small things. Is that all recruiters?
that is a decision I made, with approval from my CO, as SNCOIC for my station only because we are making well above mission at this current time. That isn't a Marine Corps-wide thing. If your station needs bodies you'll get in once you fit all height/weight standards. I can only speak for what I know though.

02-28-15, 10:31 PM
Will do and thank you, I understand what you mean. I'll keep being a "professional pest" if worst comes to worst.

02-28-15, 10:37 PM
that is a decision I made, with approval from my CO, as SNCOIC for my station only because we are making well above mission at this current time. That isn't a Marine Corps-wide thing. If your station needs bodies you'll get in once you fit all height/weight standards. I can only speak for what I know though.

I understand, I only asked because I had a surgery on my right shoulder that shows scars. When I mentioned it to my cousin that's a army recruiter he said just to tell a white lie about it to avoid waivers and paperwork....but I hate lying, so yeah no. I have the paperwork from the hospital for preparation when I do finally talk to a recruiter. And another issue is my tribal tattoo, which I know I have to take up with the recruiter to see if I can get a waiver for it.. A lot of things are in my way, but I'm prepared for the worst.

02-28-15, 10:57 PM
Don't lie to the recruiter. You don't want to get caught for fraudulent enlistment. Just be patient and worry about making the weight. After you've done that then worry about all this other stuff.

03-01-15, 06:54 AM
I won't, like I said I hate lying and I know it'll just delay any progress in the future. I'll keep you guys updated on everything. Thank you to all who replied and helped me!

05-27-15, 10:41 AM
Hello all!

Just an update (wow over 2 months since this post). I dropped a good 17 lbs.
Eating tuna, chicken, veggies and drinking water all day!

BUT I am stuck right now, I noticed I stopped dropping the weight and it feels no matter what I do I cannot start up again.

This is a work-out that was sent to me, think this'll help?

05-27-15, 10:43 AM
-20 Squats -10 squats -15 squats
-15 sec plank -30 sec plank -40 sec plank
-25 crunches -25 crunches -30 crunches
-35 jumping jacks -10 jumping jacks -50 jumping jacks
-15 lunges -25 lunges -25 lunges
-25 sec wall sit -45 sec wall sit -35 sec wall sit
-10 sit ups -35 sit ups -30 sit ups
-10 butt kicks -20 butt kicks -25 butt kicks
-5 push-ups. -10 push-ups -10 push-ups

-35 squats -25 squats 1. 30 sec sprint, 30 sec jog (5x)
-30 sec plank -60 sec plank 2. 35 sec sprint, 45 sec jog (6x)
-20 crunches -30 crunches 3. 45 sec sprint, 60 sec jog (7x)
-25 jumping jacks -55 jumping jacks 4. 50 sec sprint, 45 sec jog (8x)
-15 lunges -60 lunges 5. 55 sec sprint, 30 sec jog (7x)
-60 sec wall sit -45 sec wall sit 6. 60 sec sprint, 45 sec jog (6x)
-55 sit ups -40 sit ups 7. 65 sec sprint, 60 sec jog (5x)
-35 butt kicks -50 butt kicks 8. 70 sec sprint. 45 sec jog (6x)
-20 push-ups -30 push-ups 9. 75 sec sprint, 30 sec jog (7x)
10. 80 sec sprint, 45 sec jog (8x)

Jump Rope for warm ups, regular.
Do more cycling/riding bikes and start doing some swim sessions.

USMC 2571
05-27-15, 11:10 AM
Here's what chulaivet1966 posted a month or two ago, I have his permission to post it whenever someone asks about losing weight:

It''s mathematics....too many calories taken in based on one's activity level.
Add empty, sugary foods (simple carbs) as daily habits and that makes the weight gain quicker with these unhealthy choices.

Cardio...if one needs to lose weight one must get the blood flowing with a disciplined routine of cardio. IE: stationary bike or treadmill if one likes running.
To start a cardio discipline and condition the body one might start a walking schedule first which could be done every day.
Then work up to the stationary bike/treadmill idea.
The intensity of the cardio routine should be based on getting the heart rate up to a point where one can barely carry on a conversation.
Maybe for a male that about 140 bpm (that's just a guess) for about 30-40 minutes (3) or (4) times a week.

The eating routine...stick to lean meats, poultry, fish and vegetables with a smaller dose of carbs at meal time. (one can eat about as much veggies/salads as they want)
The body needs carbs but they should be healthy carbs...not simple sugary ones.
Being ice cream, twinkies, sodas, empty sugary cereals, any easily prepared boxed foods with a shvtload of chemical crap and full of salt. (H20 retention)
I'd stick with potatoes, rice, whole wheat/oat grains, fruits.

One should educate themselves a bit about caloric content of foods.
For an average size male maybe 2500 calories per day is recommended or normal.
But, if one needs to lose weight one needs to eat at a caloric deficit meaning eating smart and only take in 1800 calories a day. (just a reference)
With that attention along with developing a smart cardio routine the weight will come down.
NOTE: one will not look like one of The 300 in a week or a month.
It takes months/years to put on the weight so it's going to require time, discipline and diligence to work the weight off.
All the knowledge needed to know is readily available on the web.

I don't want to sound preachy but I think that's a good way to get started.
Many here can add to the mix if I've forgotten anything pertinent.

Hope that helps any that need to lose weight get on the path to more healthy body mass.

05-27-15, 03:21 PM
Here's what chulaivet1966 posted a month or two ago, I have his permission to post it whenever someone asks about losing weight:

Hey Dave....of course, hope it helps someone get on the proper path.

Regarding the OP's query about the workout on post #21.
TBH...it looks a bit much to me as an every day plan.
But, if it was recommended to him and it's worked for others over time....who am I to take issue.

Yet....I'm tempted to suggest the routine above rather on an every other day plan.
Or, cut the plan in half every other day.
If the eating routine is dialed in a day of rest (or half routine that day) may not be a bad idea.
The plan above does seem to address the exercises that boot will put him through.
Also...lifting weights would not be good idea at this juncture because will just add more muscle weight (however small) and one doesn't need that type of mass for boot.
Get that weight in order and allow boot camp to further achieve better conditioning and endurance.
There will be many at his level of conditioning (or lack thereof) or weight so he won't be alone.

OP knows what's worked for him thus far so his good judgment from this point forward is paramount.

So...good luck OP.

Carry on...

05-27-15, 03:33 PM

I don't remember seeing it but what is the weight the recruiter wants based on your height of 5'4"?
If you've lost 17# then you're at about 173?

Back to it....

05-28-15, 08:52 AM
I wasn't really doing anything special, just the P90X and beach body workouts. But I'll research more exercises that will boost up my weight loss again.

05-28-15, 08:53 AM

I don't remember seeing it but what is the weight the recruiter wants based on your height of 5'4"?
If you've lost 17# then you're at about 173?

Back to it....

The weight the recruiter suggested was 149 lbs.

05-28-15, 09:06 AM
The weight the recruiter suggested was 149 lbs.

Just remember....it's about caloric intake.
Keep caloric intake at a deficit and you should be able to lose about 2# a week or so.

Good luck....

Phantom Blooper
05-28-15, 04:19 PM
I was 5'4 at 170 lbs of Polynesian meat.

What is this "Spam"?

05-28-15, 09:16 PM
What is this "Spam"?

Lol, that and many others. Have you ever been to a Polynesian family eat out? Lots and lots of food. Do u have spam where ur at or am i being naive?

05-28-15, 09:28 PM
Just remember....it's about caloric intake.
Keep caloric intake at a deficit and you should be able to lose about 2# a week or so.

Good luck....

Thank you. I have another question. I work the graveyard shift. And I was wondering about the intake. So my shift is from 2300-0700 hrs., after work I drive to the hospital. Leave the hospital usually around 1345-1400 hrs and get home around 1600 hrs and then usually rest from 1700-2225 hrs. Does the calorie count restart when i get up from my nap? I'm on a 1,000 calorie and 10 carbs a day diet.

Phantom Blooper
05-29-15, 03:47 AM
Have you ever been to a Polynesian family eat out? Lots and lots of food. Do u have spam where ur at or am i being naive?
Yes and yes....was stationed at Kaneohe with 2/3 years ago and a lot of Spam was served....also had local friends in town and they had a big spread...a mixture of Native Hawaiian's...Samoan's and Hollies....

Spam is on the mainland in just about every grocery store...due to the high salt content....cholesterol and fat.....it is just mainly a hurricane season staple.....then after the threat is over in November it is luau time and restock in June...Aloha!

05-29-15, 05:41 AM
Yes and yes....was stationed at Kaneohe with 2/3 years ago and a lot of Spam was served....also had local friends in town and they had a big spread...a mixture of Native Hawaiian's...Samoan's and Hollies....

Spam is on the mainland in just about every grocery store...due to the high salt content....cholesterol and fat.....it is just mainly a hurricane season staple.....then after the threat is over in November it is luau time and restock in June...Aloha!

Wow that's awesome, I hope you enjoyed your time here...and the food =)
Town as in Kalihi area? or like Waikiki? Tons of polys, majority of us are big boned...and when you add on all the food we eat...wheeww..

I didn't know they had is in the mainland, what bout portuguese sausage?
True about the luau though lol! Aloha and Mahalo!

05-29-15, 10:11 AM
Thank you. I have another question. I work the graveyard shift. And I was wondering about the intake. So my shift is from 2300-0700 hrs., after work I drive to the hospital. Leave the hospital usually around 1345-1400 hrs and get home around 1600 hrs and then usually rest from 1700-2225 hrs. Does the calorie count restart when i get up from my nap? I'm on a 1,000 calorie and 10 carbs a day diet.

If that caloric combo is working for you go ahead and stick with it.

But...check this article about ketosis and there several others if you google it.
(just something to be familiar with while on your quest).
This ketosis process can create dinosaur breath from hell....your co-workers don't deserve that.
It's a bodily process that occurs when one is trying to lose weight by severely reducing carbohydrates in the diet to lose weight which forces the body to burn fat cells for energy.

Fat cells for daily energy are very efficient.
Think of the comparison this way:
Fat cells are like oak in the fireplace...burning hot and slow therefore longer energy.
Pine (carbs) will burn fast and are less efficient for energy consumption.

I would start my calorie counting when I got up to go to work.
Many like to do their cardio routines in the morning after not eating during the sleeping hours and start the day with getting hydrated with water then have some coffee, juice, piece of wheat toast and hit the cardio routine.

For snacks during the work shift maybe keep some (unsalted) nuts, hard-boiled eggs, even some beef jerky to keep the hunger pangs to a minimum.

When do you enter boot?
What do you weight now?

Hope that helps....back to it.

05-29-15, 11:04 AM
Yes this helps a lot. I am a long way from entering boot camp and just took my weight-180 lbs. I stopped eating fruits and lifting when I started gaining weight again. So my breakfast is pretty much egg whites (liquid) and 4 pieces of bacon=no carbs. snacks is a bag of pork grinds=80 cals, no carbs. i don't eat when i come back from the hospital and go to sleep so i wake up really hungry...I'm trying to fix that..but other than that, doing pretty good progress wise..i think..but what do i know..

05-29-15, 11:22 AM
Yes this helps a lot. I am a long way from entering boot camp and just took my weight-180 lbs. I stopped eating fruits and lifting when I started gaining weight again. So my breakfast is pretty much egg whites (liquid) and 4 pieces of bacon=no carbs. snacks is a bag of pork grinds=80 cals, no carbs. i don't eat when i come back from the hospital and go to sleep so i wake up really hungry...I'm trying to fix that..but other than that, doing pretty good progress wise..i think..but what do i know..


You're previous post stated the recruiter wanted you at about 149#.
That's 31# to deal with and a safe rate to lose weight is about 2# a week which is about 16 weeks.
Of course, that's after the initial dieting of quick water-weight loss has stabilized.
Then the weight comes off more slowly because it's now fat cells that your body is attacking to burn for energy.
That's where consistency over time is your imperative to achieve your goal weight.
Yeah...it's possible you can burn more than 2# a week but be in tune with how your body is reacting to your weight loss program.
You eat to little and the body can enter into a starvation mode and the calories won't burn as quickly....again...just something to be cognizant of.

Keep the 40 minutes of cardio and getting that heart rate up in your daily routine.
Stationary bike is a good way to get the cardio work in and burn calories.

Time for my oatmeal, blueberries and bacon. :)

Carry on....