View Full Version : Need advice

12-23-14, 04:20 PM
I know this subject has been run into the ground. But I was wanting to know about ADD and enlisting. The recruiter told me not mention it at meps and that's what I plan on doing. I know a lot of people say that's not morally right. But many marines I have talked to said that most most people lie at meps. I just want to get my foot in the door enlist as a officer and start my career. So what are some of your experiences with this. I know it has been ran into the ground. I have have heard later on down the road and I have also heard nobody gives a sh**once your in.

12-23-14, 04:47 PM
depends on how bad is it,, are you taking meds for it, or is it just that you need more structure to stay focused, if you're not on meds then it is not worth saying anything about, IMO, but if you are taking medication for it then you had better say something or they will find out with the drug teat and when they get your medical records, then everything comes out..

12-23-14, 07:07 PM
"enlist as an officer"??.......not possible

You either "enlist" and go to boot camp as a Private or Private First Class OR you go to OCS, graduate, and "commission" as an officer(2nd Lieutenant) when you graduate from college.

12-23-14, 07:08 PM
As for the ADD thing....

It depends on how bad it is and if you took medication....no one here is qualified to tell you whether or not you'll be able to join or not but I can say if you were on medication for it, and recently, your chances are near zero

12-24-14, 11:54 AM
First off, if your recruiter is telling you that you're "enlisting as an officer" something is very wrong. If you want to be an officer, you must speak with an OFFICER SELECTION OFFICER in your area. Go to officer.Marines.com and fill out the contact info there, an OSO should contact you shortly. I looked into the officer program sometime back but decided to enlist instead. Two completely different proccesses.

USMC 2571
12-24-14, 08:48 PM
It sounds like the OP just put it into his own words, enlist as an officer, in other words, go in the Corps as an officer----but first, he has to decide which avenue he wants to approach, enlisted or officer. Then he has the enlistment process to go thru, as he already knows----anyway, OP, keep us posted here, just resurrect this same thread from time to time with any updates, or it will fall so far into the archives we'll never see it again-----------good luck to you!

USMC 2571
12-24-14, 08:50 PM
Come back with any questions, these two Marines josephd and LCPL both know their stuff and always give helpful advice. If they don't know the answer(s) they know where to refer you for info.....very helpful in this section.

12-26-14, 08:27 AM
Back in the 60's, me and my Mom decided the Corps was for me. As my Mom and Dad met while they were in the Peace Corps. Mom told me I was smart enough to start off high up. I told my recruiter what Mom said, and he said....no problem. He said he put down on my orders that I was in line to be a Captain. I just had to wait for a slot to open up. He said, in the mean time he would make sure I would start out as an E-1. Which he said was right behind Captain. To make a long story short.......I guess no Captains died or retired while I was in, cause I got out as an E-2 after 4 years. But, that was o.k. because E-2 was in between E-1 and Captain. What I'm saying is....go for it! Maybe a Captain will get out and open a slot up for you. My advice is do what your Mom and recruiter suggests. Also good luck with getting into ADD. I always wanted to go to TCU or Texas A&M.

USMC 2571
12-26-14, 08:31 AM
Well, Billy, at least you were in line for it. They can't take everyone, as you said, openings need to be there. Good post.