View Full Version : Felony waiver?

07-12-14, 06:37 PM
Is this something even worth asking about or would WW3 pretty much have to break out for it to be possible?

07-13-14, 06:24 PM
Not even worth asking/answering.

Best of luck to you.

07-13-14, 11:46 PM
Not even worth asking/answering. Best of luck to you.

That's the way I see it also.

Carry on...

USMC 2571
07-14-14, 06:59 AM
I think Jimmy and Wayne are correct, as usual.
BUT, I have seen time and time again where someone who was at one time a criminal defendant did not know FOR SURE the final "official" disposition of their own case(es) or, for sure, how it does or does not affect enlistment-----so talk with a recruiter and let him check into it.
What do you have to lose? A phone call.

07-14-14, 10:39 AM
Met a Marine Captain last weekend who is in the chain of command in recruiting here in the Denver area, he told me they're disqualifying a large % of applicants with histories and only taking those that are squeaky clean.

Agree with USMC2571, it doesn't mean you shouldn't apply and do what you can to join, just don't be too excited about it.

USMC 2571
07-14-14, 11:15 AM
That makes perfectly good sense, Ken---as I keep saying here---an employer has 50 openings but 1000 applicants--lined up around the building--100 have issues and 900 do not-----WHY on earth would he or she pick one of the 100 who have issues or problems or criminal histories? Why? Nothing against the 100, but they're up against NINE HUNDRED people with spotless records

USMC 2571
07-14-14, 11:18 AM
My point about the felony waive thing is: First of all, someone has to be sure it IS a felony or was a felony or has not been changed, by agreement, to something less.
Frequently, a defendant's actual court final dispo is not what they perhaps think it is..

For these types of FAQ, squad leaders might consider making some of these kinds of threads stickies.

07-14-14, 03:06 PM
Dave, that's why under every OP's post there are " Similar Threads " as FAQ's.
Rocky posted about this over a year ago I remember reading about it and it was his idea to link them under the threads.

But we still answer.

USMC 2571
07-14-14, 03:35 PM
Right, Jimmy---I was harkening back to the days when SgtLeprechaun, the moderator, had stickies READ THIS FIRST, etc etc, four or five of them that contained almost everything a person would want to know.

So people ask a lot of the same questions as others, and only AFTER they create a thread do the similar threads pop up.

There could be 3 or 4 general stickies that would cover a lot.
Sort of like FAQ that we see on nearly every website.

07-14-14, 04:02 PM
An FAQ section would be great Dave or the managment of this forum could just take the time to fix the " Search Box " and have it be a " Pop Up " when you hit the button for " Create a Thread ".