View Full Version : Going to MEPs for my physical, what are my chances?

06-24-14, 03:52 PM
Hello, I am an applicant getting ready to enlist. I have already taken the asvab at MEPs and passed. Now my recruiters are sending me to take my physical this coming up Monday. Every morning I work out with my recruiters and they noticed I have scars on my arm and questioned me about them and I disclosed them with my recruiter.

I am 21 years old and when I was 13 my parents went through a divorce and I didn't know how to handle it so I sought out a friend who at the time used to cut herself and she said I should do the same to get my parents attention, so I did. Yes I know I was very young and dumb and regret it tremendously. since then I have had 2 laser scar removals done and the scars are white, faded a flat.

My recruiter told me to go get a psych evaluation done about a month ago, so I did and I passed and gave him the paperwork. My recruiter says he has a strong feeling that they will pass me at meps since this was like 8 years ago and that I also passed the psych test.

I'm very nervous because my future is on the line and I'm trying to move on from this. I was a young kid who didn't know any better. What are my chances?

06-24-14, 05:58 PM
if you passed all of the test, you should not have a problem,, I served with a bunch in Sp. Opps. that by today's standards, we would have all been evaluated as candidates for the funny farm, now today is a different time, but if you passes everything, I would say you are good to go... :thumbup:

06-24-14, 09:08 PM
one would like to assume that having jumped through the hoops you would be good, and you may very well be. Unfortunately these days you cant be sure as nothing in the world is guaranteed.

06-27-14, 12:23 PM
It may turn into a bumed once you go through meps (depends on the meps), but you should be approved. It just may take longer.