View Full Version : A lot of questions

01-25-14, 04:57 PM
I'm not sure if I should apologize beforehand for mashing all these questions together. Since I was always told not to apologize in PT, I guess I won't.

1st. My friend was set on joining the Marine Corps, but he said he won't be able to because his mother doesn't want him to. Obviously he still could despite his mothers opinion, but it seems to be a serious obstacle for him. I think he has TOO much respect for his mothers opinion, it's his life and future so he should enlist no matter what ANYONE says. I don't know how to convince him to go against his mothers wishes, he's never talked about doing anything else in the future so I'm pretty sure being in the Marines is something he really wants and should go after. Does anybody know how I could convince him? As his friend I don't want him to veer away from what he wants do in life.

2nd. I'm going to enlist in the Marines as infantry after high school, with my motivation being a simple (and maybe childish) one: to make a difference. I want to be fighting to protect something and serve the country that I've called home. But lately I've been thinking about MARSOC. I think the special forces division of the Marine Corps would make a greater impact, but I don't really know anything about what kinds of missions they conduct.

Is there anybody that can tell me more about them? Or anybody that's been in MARSOC? The website doesn't really give much information about them.

3.After my time in the Marines I want to become a police officer. Aiming to become S.W.A.T. or a member of a Special Response Unit. Does experience in the military help at all prepare or qualify you for that kind of job?

4. Is there anyway I could train for being infantry? Not just physically but in terms of tactics and weapons? The only thing I've ever done that's even remotely related to that is play air soft and go to the range with a friend of my mothers. And when I say remotely related I mean in the vaguest way possible, I know air soft doesn't even begin to compare to real life combat.

5. I know military and police pay isn't that good to say the least, so can anybody give me tips on how to manage money well in the future?

This question is off topic and may seem a bit stupid to ask but i'd rather look stupid and be prepared as opposed to homeless.

01-25-14, 05:31 PM
1. tell him to man up and make his own decisions

2. you don't hear much about what MARSOC does and that is for good reason, you probably never will unless you become an operator

3. Yes it helps but law enforcement/fire is saturated with prior service candidates so don't think it's an automatic foot in the door.

4. No, any training you need and anything you'll need to know will be taught to you at SOI and then by your NCO's at the unit you go to.

5. managing your money and saving for the future isn't rocket science. I am a finance/accounting major, best advice I can give you is save, save, save, and oh yeah...save!! Obviously you'll have some expenses through the years but don't be wasting your money by going out drinking every liberty weekend weekend or buying a car from a dealer out in town at 20% interest.

01-25-14, 11:18 PM
thank you sir.
Side note: I've already tried alcohol (never been drunk) and I absolutely despise it. None of my money in the future will be spent on it and I don't even plan on drinking any again.

01-26-14, 01:59 AM
hahaha ok....you say that now

01-27-14, 09:53 AM
4. Is there anyway I could train for being infantry? Not just physically but in terms of tactics and weapons?

You'll learn everything you need to know in terms of tactics and weapons once you get the MOS. Seriously, the guys who will be training you would rather teach you from scratch than have to break any bad habits. Become a PT stud...run a lot, get into workouts like CROSSFIT. Are you a hunter? When I was in STA platoon, the best scout/snipers that I saw had excellent field craft skills because they grew up hunting. If you are remotely interested in RECON or any of that stuff....what they need are guys who are smart, can reason, solve problems, etc. I don't know much, but my advice is to work damned hard at actually learning a lot while you are in high school!...I mean all of it...math, science, geography. If you are interested in any special ops stuff they need guys who are smart, have intestinal fortitude (guts), integrity, and who will never quit.....they will teach you all the weapons and tactics once you get there.
Semper Fi and good luck.

Tennessee Top
01-31-14, 01:06 PM
1. You cannot fight your friend's battles for him.

2. You and everybody else wants an infantry contract. It cannot happen. Somebody has to drive the trucks, fix the airplanes, make the payroll, cook the meals, etc. There are more support jobs than infantry jobs.

3. If you want to be a civilian cop then why don't you try to get the military police MOS? This way, the USMC can train you in law enforcement, you can gain some field experience, and you can establish a network in the civilian law enforcement community while you're still in. If you are lucky enough to get hired by a police department, you must first serve your time as a patrol officer and work your way up to a SWAT team (takes years in most cases - a SWAT position does not open up very often).

4. Can't train for infantry tactics but you can certainly learn about them. There are hundreds of books out there on military history and the tactics used in famous battles by great leaders.

5. Learn to live within your means. Keep your debt to a minimum and always manageable. Learn about the dangers of loans and credit cards (the fastest way to lose control of your finances). Make saving automatic - have a certain amount deducted from your paycheck so you don't have access to it. The secret to saving money is to start early - sooner you begin the less you have to save later. Don't get a girlfriend.

01-31-14, 01:54 PM
4. There are hundreds of books out there on military history and the tactics used in famous battles by great leaders.

Vince8541 mentioned a book the other day called Marine Rifleman by Wesley Fox. Looks good, I'm going to get it.

5. Don't get a girlfriend.

They are nice to have around from time to time, but you will NEVER be able to save much money if you have one haha. When i was a new slick-sleeved PVT I was clueless and drank all my money. Like Top said...have money deducted from you paycheck automatically, even if it leaves you feeling a bit strapped. Just do it automatically. I got wise and started doing that after I'd been in a couple of years. Set some financial goals for yourself.