View Full Version : How hard is getting an 0300 contract?

11-19-13, 10:08 AM
Hey guys,( Marines ) I'm new to the forums and I'm a current high school senior. Although I've gotten in to a few colleges, I've decided to follow my dream of being a grunt in the Marine Corps. I've had my info sent to recruiters and I'm waiting for a response, but:

How hard is it in today's fiscal situation to get a guaranteed 03xx Infantry contract? I won't sign anything until I can get Infantry guaranteed, but how common is it? Sorry for being so ignorant of the process, but I've heard that you list your top 3 MOS area choices and get whatever is available. I'd be fine with that as long as I can be guaranteed combat arms of some sort before going to MEPS. Possible?


11-19-13, 02:51 PM
If you are willing to wait and be stern, you will get an 03 contract. If you are a senior in highschool and know this is what you want to do you need to be proactive in getting what you want. March your happy ass into a recruiting station, tell him you absolutely want to join the Marines, and you absolutely will not accept anything other than infantry. Worst case scenario, new MOS's open up in October, so you don't ship until the fall you graduate. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to enjoy a summer off after highschool before selling the next 4 years of your life to the Marine Corps.
