View Full Version : Medical question!!!

09-04-13, 02:41 PM
So I spoke to a Marine recruiter today, he came to my house and it went well!

Stupid mistake, but I told him I took medication when he asked me and I was just being honest. I took medication back in high school for OCD for 2 years, its now been 4 years since Iv'e been taken off the medication. I met with my doctor and he took me off of it himself, so I'm fine. The recruiter told me to get some kind of written consent form from the doctors stating the doctor took me off the medication himself and not me, he said I'll be fine. He said they would forward the consent forum to MEPS and they'll evaluate it.

I believe what he says, but do you guys Marines.....the Marines here who are going to answer your questions have EARNED the title see any problems with this?

Lisa 23
09-04-13, 03:08 PM
There are way to many medical questions being asked lately that can only be answered by a recruiter or the folks at MEPS.

Fraudulent enlistment.........While you may think it was a stupid mistake that you took medication a few years ago and told your recruiter about it, it's better that they know now instead of finding out while you are going through recruit training/boot camp.

09-04-13, 03:13 PM
Thank you, I was afraid of that, I was happy to get it out of the way before they knew.

Rocky C
09-04-13, 03:31 PM
Just do as your recruiter told you to do and let the folks up at MEPS handle it.

It's out of your hands once it gets there.

God job being up front an honest.
Disclose everything to your recruiter...

Tennessee Top
09-04-13, 05:19 PM
You did the right thing. All you can do now is keep your fingers crossed. Good luck and let us know how it works out for you.

09-04-13, 08:30 PM
Yeah, he said it wouldn't be a big deal, I feel pretty confident.

doc h fmf
09-05-13, 03:35 PM
Alex it is not stupid to tell about past medical problems or meds. In fact I considered that one of my pet peeves because there was a recruit who slipped through the system and wound up dying on me. So I hate sneaky people who try to beat the system Good luck Stephen Doc Hansen HM3 FMF

09-08-13, 11:59 PM
I'll be sure to update this thread about my progress, thanks Marines.