View Full Version : I really want infantry so badly that I'm arrogant to do anything else.

08-27-13, 03:06 AM
I depped into the Marine Corps this june and was given a ship date of February 2014. I've waited years to get my shot and, since I'm 21, I'm not getting any younger. Is it too much to ask for to want to be a grunt?

If I wanted to do a job that was transferable, I'd join the Navy, but that's not what I want.

When pressed about why I want infantry, I can't really explain why. I feel like wanting infantry, wanting to put yourself in danger and give no less than those who died for our freedom. Is that rational?

My number 1 question: Because I was given such a long wait and because October is coming up, am I more likely to get infantry?

Thanks in advance Marines, and thank you for your service.

08-27-13, 10:26 AM
No...I can almost guarantee there are other poolees that have been in the DEP longer than you and they are also waiting on infantry slots.

08-27-13, 12:36 PM
No...I can almost guarantee there are other poolees that have been in the DEP longer than you and they are also waiting on infantry slots.

No way! there's this kid who depped the same day as me qnd he ships November with an infantry contract. It's bs

Tennessee Top
08-27-13, 03:23 PM
Been trying to figure out what the title of your post means (with no success). What does arrogance have to do with you being a grunt or not? Or, were you just trying to get everyone's attention?

I was never a grunt nor recruiter. From reading the posts of poolees on this site, most all of them want to get an infantry contract. That means there are never enough infantry contracts to go around so, people are going to get left out. Whether you're one of those nobody can say. To me, it all appears to be a crap shoot with no rhyme or reason. As you've seen, the amount of time you've been waiting in the DEP is no factor. Somebody a lot higher up than your recruiter is deciding who gets what - all you can do is keep your fingers crossed.

Let us know when you hear something.

08-27-13, 03:41 PM
Damn, well I guess there's a possibility that I won't get it. Master Sergeant, is it rational to cancel my DEP if I don't get it?

Lisa 23
08-27-13, 04:27 PM
If an infantry contract is what you want, then tell your recruiter you're not shipping out to boot camp/recruit training until he/she gets you one.

And another Marine can correct me if I'm wrong....if you get yourself out of the DEP, then don't count on getting back in.

Rocky C
08-27-13, 05:22 PM
Correct Lisa !!!

08-27-13, 07:24 PM
No way! there's this kid who depped the same day as me qnd he ships November with an infantry contract. It's bs

ok...then what are you asking on here for?....go tell your recruiter you want an infantry contract and get one...just don't be surprised when you have to wait up to a year or more to ship out to boot camp

Tennessee Top
08-27-13, 11:04 PM
A poolee can only be in the DEP for 365 days. After that, you get discharged. I suppose you would be allowed to start the process all over again if you wanted to. <br />
<br />
You can drop out of the DEP at...

Tennessee Top
08-27-13, 11:10 PM
Damn, well I guess there's a possibility that I won't get it. Master Sergeant, is it rational to cancel my DEP if I don't get it?

Seems rational enough to me. No since in doing something you don't want to do. You need to decide how long you're willing to wait.

08-29-13, 08:45 PM
All Marines are Riflemen first. MOS comes secondary.

If you are not able to receive an Infantry contract, it is not the end of the world..
There is a reason that the word Marine is always equipped with a capital M

09-02-13, 06:10 PM
Infantry contracts are competitive. Your other option would be to go security forces. You will be trained as an 03xx but for the first few years, you will serve with the Marine Corps Security Regiment then go back into the fleet as an 03xx.

If you are in an infantry company as a non infantryman, you will likely cross train with infantry men in combat skills.

However, you will do your MOS first. The definition of all Marines are Riflemen first is that Marines qualify yearly on the rifle and are basically trained in combat. It does NOT mean you're a grunt first and your primary MOS is your secondary job. If that is the case, the USMC should make all Marines go through ITB and get rid of MCT.

09-02-13, 09:45 PM
All Marines are Riflemen first. MOS comes secondary.

If you are not able to receive an Infantry contract, it is not the end of the world..
There is a reason that the word Marine is always equipped with a capital M

That's BS.

There's taking up infantry-esque responsibilities as a POG and then there's being an actual grunt. There's no comparison in the wide world of the Marine Corps. The two are not equivalent. Ever.

I wish I could Chuck Norris, Judo Kick the a-hole that came up with that stupid motto: "Every Marine a riflemen".

Lisa 23
09-02-13, 11:15 PM
That's BS.

There's taking up infantry-esque responsibilities as a POG and then there's being an actual grunt. There's no comparison in the wide world of the Marine Corps. The two are not equivalent. Ever.

I wish I could Chuck Norris, Judo Kick the a-hole that came up with that stupid motto: "Every Marine a riflemen".

Unless another Marine said it before him.........

Every Marine is, first and foremost, a rifleman. All other conditions are secondary.

General A.M. Gray, USMC -
29th Commandant of the Marine Corps

09-03-13, 02:43 AM
Being a Commandant doesn't make you a god. Krulak also said, to my own ears, that there'd be no females in the infantry as long as he's alive. Well... He was also the a-hole that said we can't drink on base anymore at 18 if the state law is 21.

I'm sure there are plenty of other decisions that Commandants are making today that are ticking Marines off regularly.

Anyhow, my point still stands. POG's with guns =/= Grunts. Sorry.

If the kid want's to be Marine Infantry, he shouldn't settle for some stupid misleading motto.