View Full Version : MOS availability for reservists

08-26-13, 12:44 PM
Hi ya'll (Marines),

Just a heads up I am totally new to the Marine Corps so if I mess up on any colloquialisms or misrepresent anything let me know.

I am planning to join the Corps as a reservist because I am currently at a four year university that I'd like to graduate from in the not too distant future. I was wondering if all the same MOS' are available to reservists and if they are as easily attained as being active duty. Specifically the scout sniper MOS. Also if anyone thinks it would be more beneficial or smarter to wait until I graduate and go for officer candidate school I'd like to know that as well.

Any input would be appreciated and thanks to all of y'all (you Marines) for your finished or continuing service.:iwo:

08-26-13, 03:59 PM
to put it simply....No.

Yes just about every MOS that the Marine Corps offers is available within the Reserves but the MOS you get will be based on what kind of unit is close to you that you will get contracted to. So if there is not infantry unit close to you then you have no chance really.

My opinion....just stay in school and try to go the officer route. Being in the reserves does nothing to help your school/education career, in fact it may set you back a full year because of going to boot camp, SOI, MOS school, etc. And being a Marine before you become an officer does not make you a better officer or more respected.

08-29-13, 09:00 PM
MOS availiablity is based on location.. You need to consult with a recruiter about MOS opportunities.

However, I would definatly listen to josephd.. He gave you some REALLY great advice..

09-02-13, 06:28 PM
Generally, the MOS is limited by availability and location. There is a battery and an anti armor training unit in Oklahoma. The closest infantry units are in Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana. In some cases. Marines can drill at units that are out of state because their local unit doesn't need that MOS.

For the Reserves you have two options: regular meaning you finish you initial active duty training all at once or 92 day. 92 day reserves is limited to a couple of MOS's. However, if you are in school and you want to finish, this will help. You got to boot camp, then check into the reserve unit. You will then (if you're infantry) then you'll go to ITB during the summer.

To go to scout sniper school, you must have an infantry MOS.

If you want to go officer, graduate and sign up for OCS. Contact the Officer Selection Officer.