View Full Version : DEP and other questions.

05-28-12, 03:08 AM
I've been thinking about joining the USMC for a long time now and I'm at the age where I can enlist, But I have a few questions.

1. I have my GED, I'm aware I need 15 college credits to get in, Would I be able to go into DEP while I earn those creds?
2. I broke my leg in 2009 and had surgery to have plates put in, They were removed after my leg had healed fully(I have no issues with movement or anything, the only thing I have is a medical scar) Does this DQ me?
3. I'm currently 5'8"-5'9" and I'm possibly under the weight requirements(I'm not 100% sure on this as I haven't weighed myself in quite some time, But last time I looked I was around 20 pounds underweight for my age) how much issue would this cause me with joining?

05-28-12, 09:18 AM
I've been thinking about joining the USMC for a long time now and I'm at the age where I can enlist, But I have a few questions.

1. I have my GED, I'm aware I need 15 college credits to get in, Would I be able to go into DEP while I earn those creds?

You need those credits in order to even join the dep.

2. I broke my leg in 2009 and had surgery to have plates put in, They were removed after my leg had healed fully(I have no issues with movement or anything, the only thing I have is a medical scar) Does this DQ me?

Medical scars are waiverable but with you needin plates and screws is a dq but is potentially waiver able depending on what they say at Meps.

3. I'm currently 5'8"-5'9" and I'm possibly under the weight requirements(I'm not 100% sure on this as I haven't weighed myself in quite some time, But last time I looked I was around 20 pounds underweight for my age) how much issue would this cause me with joining?

It all depends on your height they do have waivers for underweight but with all these other strikes against you it doesn't look good.


Tennessee Top
05-28-12, 08:30 PM
Difficult enough to get one waiver approved. Multiple waivers almost impossible but see what your local recruiter says. A lot of it has to do with the Commanding Officer of your recruiting district; some are more strict than others. If you're recruiter says it's worth a shot then go ahead and submit your waivers. But, if he says no way, then it's no way. Good luck.