View Full Version : Can i try out for recon without an infantry contract?

02-06-12, 05:40 PM
I really wanted an infantry contract but i requested to go to boot camp early and i lost it, so now the best choice out of 5 is aviation operations for me. i was wondering if i could try out for recon while doing that? If not then how long do i have to serve on that contract before i can switch my mos? thanks.

02-06-12, 06:01 PM
Start with this sticky: http://www.leatherneck.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70637

02-06-12, 06:38 PM
Get thru boot camp first,Semper Fidelis.

Lisa 23
02-06-12, 07:23 PM
If you really wanted infantry, then you should've stuck with the shipdate you originaly had, even if it meant waiting a few more months. If you want something bad enough, you'll wait!

Now another Marine can chime in and correct me if I'm wrong, but the Marine Corps isn't going to spend all that money and send you to aviation operations school, and then send you to try out for recon......it doesn't work like that.

Like SGT7477 mentioned, get through boot camp first......then through MCT, and then your MOS school. Get the most out of your first enlistment, and then decide if you want to stay in after that.

This might help you out some...........

The Marine Corps Enlisted Lateral Move Program
http://www.military.com/MilitaryCareers/Content/0,14556,MPDC_Options_Change_Marine_Enlisted,00.htm l

02-08-12, 03:48 AM
Have you shipped yet?

If not then nothing is set in stone. If you want to be infantry then I suggest going back to your recruiter and letting him know you aren't going to ship until you can get an infantry contract. Until you go to MEPS the day you ship to boot camp, and sign all the final paperwork, nothing is truly set in stone.

But if you want to go to the grunts, and it sounds like you do, then don't ship on a contract that is going to send you anywhere else. Something you will learn in the Marine Corps is never to count on something happening that isn't in writing. That isn't to say that people are actively trying to screw you over, but the Marine Corps is a big organization and the wants of Private Snuffy are extremely low on the priority list.

02-08-12, 04:10 PM
thanks Marine's and actually my job changed again so my new job is logistics. i have the contract for it so its not going to change again.

Also i would end up getting an even later ship date than i had originally if i want infantry. my recruiter also said i could try to change my mos after 2 years.

02-08-12, 04:16 PM
Try is the operative word in that sentence. There is almost no chance of moving from supply into infantry. You won't have MOS credibility.

If all you care about is being a Marine then you have a good contract, if your goal is to be infantry or recon you are making a bad decision. I'm not going to waste anymore time repeating myself but make sure you know what your priorities are.