View Full Version : Talking to a Recruiter on changing MOS before Boot Camp?

12-18-11, 12:49 AM
I DEPed in on the 15th of August with a ship date for the 23rd of January.

My original Job interests were in Infantry and was given a contract straight out of MEPS. (I didn't have any regrets about it.) However, as the boot camp shipping date grew closer, I've been putting more thought into what's actually going to be happing in the other 3 and a half years. I don't mean to jump ahead of myself since I'm not a Marine yet, but hopefully you get my logic here.

I don't want an Infantry contract anymore. It's not so much the combat aspects that turned me off(I don't mind them to be honest), it's just that I'm not certain it's something that I want to get myself into for the rest of the time. Point is that I wanted to switch my MOS ever since I started looking past the boot camp hype. Now boot camp's a month away and I've held back the change for too long.

Similar questions online claim that I have no obligations to actually ship out until the second oath. I want to ship out, but not with an Infantry job. I've also seen that if a Recruiter already processed everything, is it difficult for him to change a contract(?).

The question I really want to ask though is how would I approach my Recruiter on the change? I realize that by holding it back till practically the last moment, and especially during a set of weeks where all the holidays are kicking up, wasn't exactly convenient for anybody. So how should I go about making this change?

If it matters, I'm trying to switch from Infantry to Communications(it was one of my interests from the start, but not the 1st.)

12-18-11, 09:02 AM
That's all you can do is talk to the recruiter but you might end up being a grunt, get your mindset on bootcamp and becoming a Marine, Good Luck,Semper Fidelis.

Tennessee Top
12-18-11, 12:47 PM
Honesty is always the best policy. Just go in, lay your cards out on the table, and hope for the best. Trust what they tell you...what else can you do? You are the one applying for a job so you get what you get.

12-18-11, 02:15 PM
So there's an actual possibility that I can't change my job?
There's still a month left, and I know they're extending boot camp dates to those that need it.
When it was time to make the original decision, I had the entire list of job contracts available. There was never a problem with which I could chose other than some issues on my end due to a Top Sec. clearance.


Either way, thanks for the replies. I'll speak to them first thing on Monday to see what I can resolve.

Sgt Leprechaun
12-19-11, 08:30 PM
So...how did it turn out?

12-20-11, 09:11 AM
Honesty is always the best policy. Just go in, lay your cards out on the table, and hope for the best. Trust what they tell you...what else can you do? You are the one applying for a job so you get what you get.

OP, we (recruiters) deal with this situation all the time. Top gives great advice here. The way to deal with Marines is to not pull any punches. Go ask for what you want.