View Full Version : Acl waiver

12-08-11, 07:26 PM
I am in the process of getting a medical waiver for an acl surgery I had one year ago. I had a cadaver achillies tendon graphted into my knee to replace my acl, as well as half of my medial meniscus (which is the cartilige in the knee) cut out and my lateral meniscus still has a slight tear in it. The reason for the surgeon leaving the tear is becuase the tear was too small to really do anything with so he just decided to leave it. I was just wondering what my chances are of actually being granted this waiver. I heard that meps disqualifies people for just about any reason they find. I'm not to sure how true that statement is though, but it is a concern of mine. My recruiter really doesen't seem to know what will happen so I am just kind of looking for a second opinion from someone who maybe knows more about this topic.

Lisa 23
12-08-11, 07:43 PM
How about filling out more of your profile than just your first and last name.......site rules, which can be found in the poolee and Ask A Marine forums.

12-08-11, 07:53 PM
Sorry about that I just started this today and didn't really know what I was doing.

12-08-11, 08:01 PM
Did you search this on the poolee forum? This almost exact question was covered, including the cadaver replacement.

How can we tell you what MEPS will do? There isn't anybody on the site who can tell you what your chances are, in the same way your recruiter cannot. The best you can hope for is they might grant it or they might not.

Lisa 23
12-08-11, 08:02 PM
Military Medical Standards for Enlistment & Commission

Lower extremities
Jun 10 2009

The disqualifying medical conditions are listed below. The International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes are listed in parentheses following each standard.

The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment, and induction (without an approved waiver (http://usmilitary.about.com/od/joiningthemilitary/a/medicalwaiver.htm)) are an authenticated history of:

Leg, knee, thigh, and hip.

Current loose or foreign body within the knee joint (717.6) is disqualifying.

History of uncorrected anterior (717.83) or posterior (717.84) cruciate ligament injury is disqualifying.

History of surgical correction of knee ligaments is disqualifying only if symptomatic or unstable (P81.4). (3) Current symptomatic medial and lateral collateral ligament injury is disqualifying.

Current symptomatic medial and lateral meniscal injury is disqualifying.

Current unspecified internal derangement of the knee (717.9) is disqualifying.



There are no doctors frequenting this website. If you have a medical question that hasn’t already been answered by searching the forums, you’ll have to contact a recruiting office. If they cannot answer your question, you may be directed to a medical representative from MEPS.

Again, read that one carefully. We are Marines (and a few Corpsman). We are not doctors. Medical questions will usually be answered by someone cutting and pasting a section from the about.com website. We cannot explain why your waiver was denied and someone elses was granted. Sorry but that's the way THAT is, too.


Phantom Blooper
12-08-11, 08:03 PM
The Marine Corps don't take dead people.

12-08-11, 08:11 PM
Thanks for the info I guess this waiver could go either way, I was just taking a shot to see if anybody had an opinion on what may happen but I guess it is hard to say.

12-09-11, 07:45 AM
Yeah, don't get your hopes up. Especially with the downsizing lately, they're looking much more closely at who they're taking these days.

12-09-11, 01:34 PM
Does your knee still give you some problems?

How about buckling? Any buckling at all or popping and clicking?

How is you stability? Does it give out?

Old Marine
12-09-11, 05:11 PM
Been on this site for a while and have yet to see a post from anyone from MEPS who is qualified to answer medical questions.