View Full Version : housing in MOS school if married?

09-09-11, 11:19 PM
I've been with my girlfriend for quite some time and do wish to acquire housing together while I'm in the Marine Corps. Shes been pretty oriented with the Corps thru her family and friends, and told me the best way to do so would be to get married after boot/during mct, then put in all the proper paperwork and we'd have housing together at my mos school for aviation mechanic in Pensacola FL. The school is long and she told me that if I'm married I can't live in the barracks anyway. I don't care really if its on or off base housing, id like like her to be able to come with me after mct. I've heard a lot of controversy over this, any experienced Marines wanna give their input? Its a big concern and as always I value any and all info you have. Thank you.

09-09-11, 11:40 PM
Not going to happen

MOS school is not a place for your dependants to follow you to. You are a STUDENT and therefore do not rate the accomidations of permanent personnel. Reason being is if you are dropped at any point during the school then you have to leave and the Marine Corps cannot afford to have you tied up between housing issues and other related matters involving a full family PCS.

Even later in life during your career, you go to schools alone, that's just the way it is. If you want to fly your family out on your own dime then that's on you but you are not going to be authorized to "live" outside of your designated area.

LOTS of Marines drop from Aviation Mech school.....lots. Not saying you will but don't put all your eggs in one basket just yet. Wait till you graduate school and are in the fleet.

09-10-11, 03:34 AM
I always thought it was Ironic when I was first in the Marine Corps it seemed like everyone was engaged to be married and getting hitched really young. But out in the civilian world NO ONE ever wants to get married anymore. It must have to do with wanting a part of your home life closer to you in your new environment. My girlfriend had our baby when I was in MOS school in California (I'm from Philly) She and I did get married a year and a half later (after my first deployment) and I brought them down to Lejuene. We're still going happily strong!! My advice would be patient and wait until you're at your first permanent duty station. It will go quicker than you think, good Luck!

09-10-11, 07:16 AM
It isn't likely to happen but IT CAN happen. My buddy got housing with his wife while he was in MOS school.. it all depends on how long yer schooling is... brown baggers they're called... Be that guy or friends with that guy... cause you can have a LOT of fun off base and away from the eyes of people you don't want to see you doing stupid stuff...

Oh, and did I mention my MOS is 6124, helo engine mech? This was in Pensacola... and he was a private...

And, best advice for pensacola: be friends with someone with a car, the taxis get expensive. And don't be an alcoholic if you're of age, the bar right next to the barracks can get a bit tempting, even for underagers...It is called a major NJP capital of the Marine Corps for a reason, you will get caught, you WILL pay for it..

09-10-11, 08:54 AM
Seems like there's some controversy here but it's all very valuable info! So for me and her to get housing or at least attempt to, what's the best way to go about doing so? Any further advice? I'm just so uneducated on this topic I haven't dealt with it much until recently.

09-10-11, 09:28 AM
In theory you could get geo bachelor status while you are in school. Geo bachelor is ... you are married... you have a lease in BFE where ever it is she lives now.... You would still live in the barracks with the other students and would recieve additional funds to pay for your lease. You would not get help from uncle sam to move her out there with you for the duration of the school, but you would get help paying you rent and still live in the barracks. When you graduate and PCS to the fleet then uncle sam would pack up and move all of your junk from BFE to your permanate duty station.

09-11-11, 11:17 AM
In theory you could get geo bachelor status while you are in school. Geo bachelor is ... you are married... you have a lease in BFE where ever it is she lives now.... You would still live in the barracks with the other students and would recieve additional funds to pay for your lease. You would not get help from uncle sam to move her out there with you for the duration of the school, but you would get help paying you rent and still live in the barracks. When you graduate and PCS to the fleet then uncle sam would pack up and move all of your junk from BFE to your permanate duty station.

His is better explained then mine ^

And the "best" way to do it is to get married asap... some "friends" have gotten married right after boot... I wouldn't say its the brightest decision but hell, I'm not you. If you do it right after boot you should have the paperwork done or at least a solid chunk done by the time you hit your schooling.. then the stuff that Bulkyker said happens..

Sgt Leprechaun
09-12-11, 08:19 PM
Not the smartest way to go, but you are going to do what you want to do anyway.

Housing will depend on how long your school is. If it's a long one (six months or more, minimum) then you may or may NOT get permission for her to come down. Don't count on it that's for sure.