View Full Version : PT for a hobby?

08-05-11, 09:25 PM
Can PT be a hobby, or is working out too much a bad thing? I can understand maybe the risk of hurting yourself, but is there any real bad thing that can come from working out a lot throughout the whole day? It brings me to think of jobs that cause continuous physical labor all day long, I suppose it does well for those people.
Basically, I'm ungodly bored through the day and I want to go to the gym often, but I don't want to end up finding out the hard way that there's such thing as "too much".

08-05-11, 09:40 PM
Negative, nothing bad about it. Many of the Marines I work with including myself make it a habit to workout quite often. The best thing that can be stressed is that you need to know how to pace yourself, have a diversity in muscle groups worked and necessary rest time. Everyone's body needs to rest in order for the muscles to break down and build back up. Keep in mind everyone is on a different level, don't try comparing yourself to some crazy triathalon junkie who runs like 15 miles a day and turns around and benches twice their body weight or some trash like that.

08-06-11, 03:13 PM
Negative. I'm addicted to it. I do crossfit and run extra on off days. I always feel crappy when I don't workout, even if I'm exhausted.

Just don't destroy yourself. Take rest days.

Phantom Blooper
08-06-11, 05:55 PM
The definition for Hobby....


pl. hob·bies
An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.
If you take pleasure in running and PT'ing go for it.....

Before I got sick and the sawbones told me no more weights...I PT'ed six days a week and enjoyed it.

As stated don't destroy yourself by indulging in a hobby that will hurt you....do it for enjoyment.

Also branch out and do other things.....there is allot of things that are good for you and FUN that you can consider a hobby also.

Swimming....paddling....racket sports...boxing..... the list could potentially be added to as you see fit and become fit.

Good luck!

08-06-11, 07:05 PM
Thanks for the input guys, I'm glad to hear it's not detrimental to the body. I just really need something to do, it kills me being home all day so since I have a gym membership, I figured I could just be a gym rat and work out all the time. Not like hardcore weightlifting, but I could go for a while on those exercise bikes and the treadmill with no problem. I just didn't want to come to find that it would be counterproductive for me. Not sure why I thought it would be, but better to be safe than sorry :P

08-06-11, 11:22 PM
It can wear you down and out if you've chosen a career that demands the body be used as a major player in your tool box. Like, if you don't grunt all day you don't get paid all day. Employers don't much care if your pain is chronic.

There's a monumental difference between PT and physical labor. Laborers retire or resign routinely, sometimes suddenly, from physical jobs because they can no longer hack or keep up. Meanwhile these same humans could benefit from PT until the day they cash in.

08-07-11, 10:09 AM
I just didn't want to come to find that it would be counterproductive for me. Not sure why I thought it would be, but better to be safe than sorry :P

It's not counter-productive if you are eating healthy and consuming enough to support whatever routine(s) you are stressing the body with.
Understanding when to rest the body is imperative for any gains.

Carry on.....

Phantom Blooper
08-07-11, 10:17 AM
Your body will tell you when to rest....what you need to do is LISTEN!

Push yourself to get your desired weight....muscle...tone...ect.

But LISTEN to your body...it's the only one you'll have!

08-07-11, 11:59 AM
I was one of the "Run for your sanity" dumba$$ and I was hard as steel, now my knees and hips are getting rusty.
Workout is great but do it smart, run on your toes not your heels. It will catch up in a few years
Lift with a buddy ----MOOOTOVAAAATION!
Swim when you can -- easier on the joints. Great c-v action
Every workout deserves a reward.
Snuggle Buddy
Candy/ thick steak/ food rewards!
Hit it like you live! HARD!
Semper Fi