View Full Version : Hard lessons learned

07-23-11, 11:12 PM
There was a short, although insightful thread posted recently on this forum that asked Marines what some positive/negative traits that they attained in Boot Camp were, and that got me wondering what some of the hardest learned lessons of anyone on these forums were, whether they were in Boot Camp, the fleet, or even before enlisting. Any advice you would give anyone, military or non-military is also welcome. Thanks ahead of time.

07-24-11, 12:08 AM
Stay busy - if you have time to prep and paint a tool shed or bake a cake or go on a 20 mile hump; do it.

07-24-11, 01:28 AM
Try to enjoy your time in. Pain, anger, and frustration are usually only temporary. Don't let a negative experience change your outlook on the Marine Corps. You get out what you put in.

07-24-11, 07:40 AM
Okay here's a list:

"It is what it is" This has gotten me through a lot.. the whole mind over matter stuff... if you don't mind.. it don't matter... stop caring so much about the whole "wah wah, I'm getting IT'd right now" and get on with the "Alright, he can only IT me for so long before we have to go to chow.. then it's the next chow.. then evening chow.. then im going to get some free time then hopefully get some sleep"... take boot camp chow to chow sunday to sunday and you'll be fine.. don't be one of those people that sits there and makes it harder for themselves on a day to day basis moaning and trying to rethink their decision. REMEMBER, boot camp is not the fleet... hell, MOS school aint the fleet.

You will meet those of rank over you that really aren't good leaders and are just out to mess with you because you are junior enlisted. Don't let them effect who you are unless you are legitimately messing up, then fix it and show them how much you've improved so they'll get off your back...but there are those out there, particularly in MOS schools, that just like to mess with ya... learn from them.. Even the most garbage leaders in the world still have the capability to lead you in the right direction by their example, whether good or bad.

Don't get into fights and or do stupid things such as underage drinking or putting yourself in positions where you'll get caught. This one's a big one, a lot of junior Marines get in trouble these days, mainly for underage drinking... don't do it, or if you're gonna do it, be smart about it. There will be little if not no mercy given to those people... I know about 4 privates due to underage drinking. Keep your nose clean, don't do anything stupid and you can just laugh at the people as their careers are compromised.

The nail that sticks out gets hammered... don't stick out in boot camp in a negative way, simple as that. Don't be one of those ones with attitude..swallow your pride and do whatever is asked of you... discipline is: the instant willing obedience to all orders, respect for authority, self reliance, and teamwork SIR! (learned TD1)

That's all I got for now... I'll think of some more for ya!

07-24-11, 10:30 AM
Take responsibility for your emotions and actions. Don't drink the Kool Aid. Take pride in your work, put forth effort at it, regardless if you think its a sexy job or not.

07-24-11, 11:08 AM
Dont trust a fellow Marine if he tries to sell you something. If you buy it, make sure you get a receipt with the Marine's name, rank, etc... with two Marine witnesses who sign the receipt. I have a friend who lost a stripe in MOS school because the seller was a theif and moved on to his first duty station and the command would not investigate further, so he was left holding the bag.

Dont borrow or lend money. Save some for a rainy day. If you lend money, do it because you dont expect it back. But dont do it because you want to be accepted by someone or the gang.

Dont become a beer swilling pig. You willl be a fat beer swilling pig when you are 40 that is an alcoholic, divorced, and paying child support with nothing to show for your labor. What I am saying is to use your brain.

07-24-11, 01:55 PM
Yeah, nice advice Tun.

Its great to be away from home, and I'm not saying not to party and have a good time, just control it. Find something to get yourself into, whether its a martial art, rock climbing, diving, cycling, working on cars...or whatever.

Don't let yourself get fat...its won't happen for a few years, but it happens a lot these days.

Take advantage of what the Marine Corps has to offer; financial advisors, medical care, learning centers, etc... A lot of dudes either blow that off, or just don't know about it.